Tuesday, January 30, 2018

"The Dimensional Shift to 5D

We are at a point where human life on Earth is at a crossroads. It is a turning point for the soul’s experience in incarnate form. 

While the essence of our being is Divine, the current operating system of mind is producing an experience and expression through the incarnate vehicle that is of a much lower nature in fear, separation, and conflict.

Our intrinsic unity is that we are a multidimensional being of a pure Divine nature.

We need not transform, evolve, search, seek, or ascend according to the conflict of the thinking mind. We cannot use the ways of our conditioned thinking mind’s perspective in association with its emotional anchors within the unawakened state in order to transform to our true being. However, we must change the basic awareness of the manifestation of our energy. 

We do this from the inner silence of a heart-centered awareness where we experience love and intentional creative action of the Divine.

From within the heart, we are still assisted by an overall context to open to understanding, knowledge, practice, meditation, transforming, etc.

However, we are not approaching this activity from the direction of the thinking mind, but from the intuitive insight and wisdom of the heart. 

We are not using the conditioned thinking mind that is a perpetual censor of experience according to its known inputs from the past. As we live from the guidance of the heart, we are working our way through the elements of using our lower nature in transformative practice in order to go beyond their necessity. We will need to integrate and continually move beyond systems of thought, ideas, and concepts as we embody the Divine consciousness.

The solar system is at the end and new beginning of a 26,000 year cycle of precession.  This cycle for earth within the Milky Way galaxy relates to the alignment with the energies of the galactic center.  The charged particles, rays, and higher frequency light, information, and energy from the galactic center interacts with the planet and human consciousness.

Only in recent times are we uncovering and remembering the galactic cosmology for human incarnations on earth.  In the ancient wisdom, we find this knowledge throughout most of the sacred, mystical, esoteric, and prophetic traditions.  The understanding of these energetic cycles exist within Atlantean, Enochian, ancient Egyptian, Vedic, Taoist, Biblical, Tibetan, Mayan, Incan, Hopi, Cherokee, and throughout Native American and many other spiritual and esoteric systems.

Within the 26,000 year cycle, particularly strong shifts occur at the 12,000 to 13,000 year marks.  We find many cataclysmic changes on Earth at these times.  In the Vedic tradition, we have the great ages of golden, silver,bronze, and iron.  The iron age presents the most dense level of material consciousness in the last several thousand years.

The next transition is a shift back to the light consciousness of the golden age.  

Today’s scientific knowledge and instrumentation has been able to verify many sun, solar system, and earth changes that are indications of an energetic shift or evolution.

The high frequency subtle energy, light, and consciousness beyond the 3D physical has an effect on consciousness and the body in physical 3D as it is stepped down into magnetic and electromagnetic energy.

At the end of all major cycles on Earth, there are sufficient energies to affect the Earth system, biological life, and human consciousness.  However, during this particular shift the energies are at a certain level of high frequency and vibration to enable a dimensional shift. 

The reasons why this cycle happens to be a “dimensional shift” are too complex and numerous to discuss here in this article.  A dimensional shift is under way, and it will occur regardless of human action or the interaction of other intelligent beings on Earth.

There are twelve main dimensions in the dimensional universe.  The Sun, Earth, and solar system has been organized in the third dimension for millions of years.  With the upcoming dimensional shift, it will move to a higher vibration beyond 3D. 

What is the role of human beings on Earth during this time?  Humanity plays an integral role in determining whether the shift to a higher dimension will be to a fear and control negative bandwith of the fourth dimension, or the heart-centered unity consciousness of the fifth dimension. 

Human choice in awakening, healing, transforming, evolving, and ascending will determine which dimension we shift to, and what will be the next phase of human incarnate life on Earth.

In Divine consciousness, we awaken and restore our full communication and movement ability. We go beyond the fragmented translation of language to the pure heart-centered telepathic communication. Our natural unlimited movement is restored to the fullness of teleportation. We move beyond the physical consumptive model of cellular regeneration to the pure energy regeneration of biochemical processes.

The Divine consciousness in physical bodily form is self-sufficient in manifesting the harmonic organization and regeneration of cellular form. In a 5D frequency and beyond of our physical embodiment of Divine infinite consciousness, our multidimensional self restores a conscious connection with all in universal spirit.

With restoration of our true being, we clearly have synchronistic communication with all souls in the universe and dimensionless spiritual realms. We feel no sense of separation or loss from all souls that we have ever known.

With the Divine embodiment in the physical through the pure harmonic frequencies of light and sound, the human being will go beyond death as we currently know it. With perfect cellular regeneration, consciousness as energy and bodily matter is beyond entropy.

The process that has been leading to cellular breakdown is from the trauma based inharmonic thinking mind of conflict, fear, and separation.

In this conditioned operating system of mind, we lose the full dynamic intensity of love and creativity that is our soul and spirit.

With the awakening and remembering of heart consciousness, we will enable the Divine infinite consciousness to fully embody within our spirit, soul, and physical body.

Then, the transition of the soul to experience other dimensions, incarnations, and dimensionless spiritual realms is through an intentional transformation of energy as consciousness.

At present, the lower level mind comes into being through early development in cultural civilization, past life incarnational encodings, and intergenerational transmission. These inharmonic frequencies disrupt and block the harmonic movement of the Divine consciousness.

They may prevent strong energy circuits of connection between the heart and Light mind—i.e., the full electromagnetic movement of light and sound frequency through the nervous and endocrine systems.

For example, the trauma based thinking mind and negative emotional encodings may keep in place the telomere caps on chromosome within DNA which over time inhibit effective cellular regeneration.

As we awaken, evolve, and embody the true human being on Earth, we will be infinite creators in the pure harmonic fluidity of life. We will experience the unlimited nature of consciousness as experienced through the frequencies of bodily expression.

We will express our true humanity as Divine infinite consciousness that is telepathic, creative intention, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, intentional soul transition, and perpetual conscious soul connection. This is human freedom, love, and creativity incarnate on Earth."


Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reigning on earth - no more hunger, poverty or crime - abundance available to all. Everyone living without fear - with complete trust in the Divine Everyone awake to the majestic, divine inter-dimensional beings they truly are

"  Dimensional Shift

There are some people who experience the shift as something so monumental that it feels like a dimensional shift - one the earth and all its inhabitants are making from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension.

What is The Fifth Dimension?

Whatever we may call it or whatever paradigm we may hold it in, if we tune in, it's indisputable that something big is happening. Something new, something that has never before in history happened.

Some people are feeling it now; others will eventually feel it. But there's no stopping it.

The sooner we can get on board and see it happening in our lives and align with the new energies coming in, the easier it's going to be to make the shift.

Much has been written, spoken and channeled about the Fifth Dimension and humanity's ascension into this new realm of existence. In addition, many "ordinary" people are now having their own experiences, visions and inner "downloads" about the Fifth Dimension.

Not every source agrees on details about the Fifth Dimension, but most describe similar major characteristics, which are described below.

Ascension into the Fifth Dimension

According to ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails.

This has been called the Fifth Dimension.

Some say this shift will probably be complete within the next couple of decades; others give no date. But all seem to agree it will be complete sometime in the near future, although individuals will be each moving into the Fifth Dimension at their own rate when their frequency is high enough to match the vibration of the higher dimension.

Most teachings state that the shift the earth and humanity are taking into the Fifth Dimension has been "planned" for eons. Also that it has already been happening in the last few decades.

December 21, 2012 was a date that was given as the mid-point of the shift taking place, and that it will continue to unfold in more and more obvious ways, picking up speed, as time goes on.

A Fairy Tale?

Much of what has been described about the Fifth Dimension can sound like a fairy tale:

All people living in peace and harmony, experiencing oneness with all of life, fully respecting all people and the earth itself - love and compassion flowing through all communications

Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reigning on earth - no more hunger, poverty or crime - abundance available to all. Everyone living without fear - with complete trust in the Divine Everyone awake to the majestic, divine inter-dimensional beings they truly are

Some of the descriptions can sound even more "out there" - such as people freely communicating with beings from other planets and galaxies and traveling to distant parts of the universe with these beings.

Imagination, Memory or Intuition?

And yet,

Haven't we all had dreams of living in a world like this?

Are these dreams just figments of our imagination?

Or are they memories of what we, thousands and thousands of years ago, once experienced - and at some point lost, as we descended into the kind of world we know of today, filled with struggle and suffering and lack of direct connection with the Divine?

Or do these dreams perhaps come from intuitions about the future that is in store for us?

Many of us are having these intuitive feelings; some are having clear visions; others are inwardly hearing about the reality of humanity's future will be.

Some of us feel we have been waiting thousands of years for these times we are now entering.

If we seek deeply within ourselves, we may find that these dreams of an ideal and peaceful world are actually both a distant memory of what we once experienced eons ago and an intuitive glimpse into what is now beginning to happen on earth.

And our longing to return to this ideal world is simply a yearning to finally return Home to this beautiful world ahead of us.

How Can it Happen so Quickly?

The question might arise:

How can this possibly happen?

How can this world turn around from where it is today and become this utopian kind of world?

There is still so much darkness on the planet - wars, hatred, prejudice and injustice.

The answer is two-fold:

First, thousands of people on the planet are now experiencing an awakening of the heart at an unprecedented rate - and this awakening appears to be speeding up, as time goes by. At some point, the hundredth monkey phenomenon will inevitably take hold.

And secondly, not everyone on the planet at this time is making the choice (consciously or unconsciously) to make the shift into the Fifth Dimension.

All souls have the choice to enter 5D, given they have assimilated sufficient light to hold the energy levels that exist in that higher vibration.

But many will be choosing to leave the earth within the next couple of decades to move on to other third dimensional experiences in other parts of the universe. They will not have finished with what third-dimensional reality has still to teach them.

Those who are choosing to stay and make the shift with the earth will be going through some intense and rapid changes, as their bodies and minds make the radical changes needed to shift into the higher consciousness requisite for moving into the Fifth Dimension.

Exactly What are Dimensions?

First of all, dimensions are not places or locations; they're levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate.

There exist numerous dimensions; the fourth and fifth are simply higher than the one we've been living in. Ascension into even higher dimensions will continue even after we've reached the fifth.

Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below. 

In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power, and more opportunity to create reality.

In order for a higher dimension to be available to us, we need to vibrate in resonance with it. Shifting from one level of consciousness to the next higher one means becoming established on it, so we don't get pulled back.

The Third Dimension

It's important to understand, first off, that the Third Dimension is not the things you see: the table, the tree, the earth. These are form.

All things in form are still present in the Fourth Dimension (and to some degree in the 5th); they're simply more light-filled, not as dense.

The Third Dimension is a state of consciousness that is very limited and restricted. Because we've been living in this 3rd dimensional reality for so many lifetimes, we tend to assume that this is the only reality available to live in.

We think this is simply how "reality" is, not realizing it's a very limited experience of reality.

The Third Dimensional "operating system" runs on rigid beliefs and a fairly inflexible set of rules and limitations.

For example, in the Third Dimension, we learn to believe that bodies are solid; they can't merge with each other or walk through walls. Everything is subject to gravity, physical objects cannot disappear, and we cannot read another person's mind.

There's a solid belief in duality, and judgment and fear are pervasive.

The Fourth Dimension
This is the "bridge" we're all pretty much on now, and will be for a relatively short period of time.

In traveling through the Fourth Dimension, we are preparing ourselves for the Fifth. Many of us have had experiences of the Fourth Dimension for a number of years now without realizing it.

We can know we're experiencing the Fourth Dimension when we have moments of spiritual awakening and experiences of heart opening. Other times, it can happen when we're simply feeling clear and quiet inside. Everything within and around us feels lighter, less rigid. There's a sense of spaciousness and upliftment.

Time is no longer linear in the Fourth Dimension - there's an ongoing sense of being in present time, with no interest or even awareness of past and future. And we can discover that time is malleable - it can actually stretch and condense, much to our third dimensional surprise.

Manifestation is much faster in the Fourth Dimension.

Something we simply think about can show up very quickly. In general, when we're experiencing joy, love and gratitude, we're experiencing fourth dimensional consciousness.

The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart.

In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door.

No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there - no suffering or sense of separation.

Mastery over thought is a prerequisite.

Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. You think about something - it comes present.

People generally communicate through telepathy and have the ability to read each other's thoughts and feelings with ease. The experience of time is radically different: some describe it as "everything happening at once." There is no distinction between past, present or future.

Many of us are having experiences (or "dreams") that feel like visits to the Fifth Dimension. These are exhilarating - tremendously exciting and hopeful.

They keep us moving on through the difficulties that sometimes arise as we travel through the Fourth Dimension and into the Fifth.

Transitional Times

We are currently in what's been called "transitional times" or the "end times".

These are the times in which we are experiencing the death of third-dimensional reality, while at the same time beginning to travel through new and unknown landscapes of the 4th Dimension.

In essence, one whole structure of reality is collapsing, while a new one is emerging. It's to be expected that some chaos, confusion and disorientation will reign both within and around us, as we attempt to adapt to a whole new way of experiencing reality.

Many of us are beginning to experience radical changes in our lives, as we enter into these times. Whatever does not serve us in shifting into a higher dimension has to fall away.

This can include:

old relationships

lifetime careers

approaches to life we've traditionally taken

an out-dated sense of identity

any limited or negative thoughts and emotions that holds us in a lower vibration

Fortunately, we can now get a great deal of help in making the transition to a higher vibration.

Beings from higher dimensional realms are more and more present to assist us; we simply need to ask for their help. We can also become aware of the flooding of divine light that's currently arriving from the higher dimensions.

So releasing old patterns and negative emotions is getting easier and easier, if we have the clear intention of letting them go.

We Can take our Bodies with Us

Many sources tell us we can take our physical bodies with us, if we choose, into the Fifth Dimension.

Some say that although other planets and galaxies have shifted into higher dimensions before in the history of the universe, this is the first time that souls in incarnation on a planet are going to be taking their physical vehicles with them into the higher dimension.

Doing this is seen as the next step in humanity's evolution. Given this, it seems important for us to really take care of our bodies at this time.

It's Up to You

If you feel a resonance with the information in this article, it's likely you've decided - either consciously or unconsciously - to shift with the earth into the Fifth Dimension in this lifetime.

If so, you have the choice to simply allow life to transform you - sometimes in uncomfortable ways, if you have any resistance to change. Life will do the job for you. Or you can choose to actively cooperate with the shifts taking place inside you.

You can consciously let go of old patterns, release negative emotions, judgments and thoughts, and work on keeping your vibration high at all times. This effort will likely ensure that your journey through the Fourth Dimension will be a lot smoother and even perhaps more rapid.

But there's no right way to make this journey. We each have to do it the way that's best for us. One way or another, we will make it into the new reality that lies before us.

What an exciting time to alive!   "


Mandela Effect Explained, Mandela Effect Information: Want to Understand the Mandela Effect and what it means to your life? Mandela Effect Meaning. Mandela Effect Ascension. We have been through a Dimensional Shift, we are Ascending, we are consistently moving timelines based on our thoughts, belief and FOCUS.

First of all don’t get caught up in what others call “it”. Some call it the Mandela Effect, however, there are many things that have changed besides memories of Nelson Mandela. In fact for me that was not even one of the “effects”. There is so much discussion out there on who talked of the Mandela Effect first. Thing is it is not a brand folks, it is not about recognition or invention. This is about your life. It reveals as a miraculous phenomena whereby history has changed for you personally and others who remember things as you do. A supernatural event, however, this is our natural evolution as we raise our consciousness.

You literally woke up with a different history. You awoke one day somewhere along the way, and things were different. Big huge things such as Bible Scripture, your Anatomy, Geography, where we are located in the Universe and so much more. It is truly phenomenal.

Many are or have been frightened by these events in their life. Many have tried to tell family, friends or those around them and are deemed crazy, and people even get very angry at those who talk of remembering Reality different. It scares them, hence the anger.

You don’t have to tell anyone. Find support elsewhere if you need it. Understand that you have moved timelines. You are awakened, have Faith in it’s higher purpose and don’t be around those in fear or those who do not doubt your reality. You don’t need anyone else’s approval and you don’t need others to validate what you know is true for you.
Many have experienced this “Effect” for decades. It is not new and it is NOT ABOUT any particular person that said it or allegedly noticed it first. It is ONLY about YOU, your personal perception, consciousness, experience. You know your Truth and no one else has to and if people leave your life then let them, be True to You as this Creates Timelines, Worlds and quite literally the “Reality” you live in, you perceive as “Your Life”.

Many sources, people, channels, practitioners have spoke of parallel realities, different dimensions, and all aspects of what many call the Mandela Effect for as long as I can remember and I am sure long before that.

Many practitioners assisted people in moving into our light body, and in preparing to move into higher dimensions. This has been happening for decades, probably centuries. It is not new and it is not about any one particular person. Don’t focus on this nor engage with others who engage in energy of who “invented” “the Mandela Effect”. FOCUS on the REALITY you want.

I have studied this reality change, this parallel shift, and our waking up with a new history, our walking the same paths for centuries and one day artifacts will appear, reality changing and what many call the Mandela Effect.  

Kryon spoke of this for over 25 years through Lee Carol. Barbara Marciniak channeled this stuff from the Pleiadians. Jane Roberts channelled Seth. Parallel Realities has been discussed in channelled information and power of thoughts informations for a VERY long time. This is how it has all manifested.

I did not expect this to happen in such a physical way, such as waking up in a different version of me, a different Earth, a completely different place. I did not expect to literally wake up conscious in a new reality.

I thought my body would change, I would ascend, I would awaken to a new Earth, however, not in this body, not in life the same or similar around me, such as the same type of Government, music, brands, places, events and such.

I did not take this literally as to actually wake up one day in bed and be in that version of me. Like waking up in an alien body, and alien world. Except it resembles the other world and my body looks the same mostly on the outside. Even if I am told that the heart, the kidney, and other “parts” are in a different location under my skin and that my skull is different and well I can see a dark ring around the color of my eye that I know was not there my ENTIRE Life as I knew my life to be. Still I “mostly” look the same.

When you see what many call the Mandela Effect, and begin to grasp what it is and really means to your life, it can be quite stressful. Knowledge and Trusting yourself helps with this.

Yes you may “lose” friends and family, so what. If they are meant to be in your life, it will feel good, fun, high energy having them there, if not then let them go. So many cling to people, thing is there is no Death folks, and we don’t lose people per say. So let go. We really can choose to not be around energy that does not feel good to be around and in that we put ourselves in a place of our highest vibration and attract to us what we really do want in our life.

A Dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline, a New version of us, of our life. It is fantastic, don’t fear it, and don’t need to convince others, simply find peace with it, have Faith in it and bring into focus the life you want by what your thoughts are, what your mind focuses on.

Your FOCUS Creates the World, the Version of Life that you Draw to You.

I ADVISE you to Listen to YOU.

Don’t listen to any information that brings up fear in you, NONE, from no person, no source, no video, no book, NO INFORMATION that brings up fear in you.

If the information you read or watch is not Love based, positive or proactive toward a higher happier existence, then I advise you to NOT focus on it, not listen to it, it is simply not right for those who want to live a high vibration life.

Information talking of CERN in a fear based way, or Demons or Devil or anything that is not of high vibration, well that is not information that creates a high frequency, joyous, fun, happy, high dimensional reality.

You ARE a Creator GOD.

Anyone that disempowers you and talks of you not creating your own life, and gives you information that suggest you don’t have power over our life or some demon is tempting you, well that is not information that is of the highest and best for YOU.

Reverend Crystal Cox
Mandela Effect Counseling
Quantum Energy Healing

“Guiding You to the Highest Frequency, Most Joyful, Abundant, Happy,
High Dimensional Self. And uniting you with your Higher Self and Purpose


Monday, January 29, 2018

Releasing the old “Collective Consciousness”. “Ride my waves of consciousness and keep your life pure and simple.”

"What a restless night of tossing and turning! I was caught up in a never ending dreamtime that was abnormally “sticky”. Whereas I’m usually quite adept at rewriting my dreams while in the midst of them, it took me 3 cycles through this dream to eventually break free of it.

In the first cycle of the dream, I was experiencing my shoulders curling forward, my neck was sore, and I was unable to stand up straight anymore from the burden I was carrying. I had taken on way more responsibilities than I was able to handle.

I realized none of this was mine and I was able to return all the responsibilities to those who have been placing it upon my shoulders throughout my life. Once I did this I was able to stand up strong and straight again.

In the second cycle, I realized I not only allowed this overburdening of responsibilities, it gave me an egoic spiritual boost by thinking that I’m on a mission to awaken others and save the planet. Ha! Tricky tricky ego!

Time for me to realize each person is exactly where they need to be on their own soul path, each playing their unique role for a much bigger picture than my ego is able to ascertain.

In the third cycle, while I was overwhelmed with all this unstuck energy churning through my body I heard Gaia say to me, “Here, allow me to handle this for you, my dear one.” In that instant my root chakra opened up and gravity emptied me of what was never mine to begin with, clearing my womb to birth anew.

Later that morning as I was remembering the dream I realized, Gaia does not need saving!!! She’s not the old earth. She has already vibrationally ascended and no longer locked into a 3d reality which she held in place in service to us as a learning environment. Gaia only asks for our respect and trust in her as we’re given the opportunity to ascend along with her and awaken to ALL of Who We Are.

What many are referring to as old earth is actually the “old collective consciousness” playing itself out. There is no old earth, only stale old consciousness that will continue recycling through its 3d duality until the very last human decides to release it. In the meantime, everyone who is choosing to break free and clear of the old collective consciousness is ascending along with Gaia and expanding into our multidimensionality.

As a child I was fully aware of my multidimensionality. Like many of us, when we entered school, it was no longer acceptable to play with our “unseen” friends. So we stepped fully into the collective consciousness and blocked everything else out. At some point our soul says. . . beloved human, it’s time to wake up and remember all of who you are, because this is what we’ve come here to do in this lifetime.

At first our “unseen” world and all of our old friends begin to fade back into our awareness just beyond a self-placed veil. We know it’s there, present in dreamtime or obscure visions, where we’re able to interact with it beyond the constructs and limitations of the mind.

Eventually we connect with our Inner Being and the collective consciousness no longer takes precedence in our lives. For awhile, we’re living a dualistic life attempting to find a balance between the two. At some point we learn to fully trust our Inner Being and it’s as if the two flip. What used to be dreamtime is attracted into our present energy field by our Inner Being and becomes our reality, no longer veiled from us.

And the collective consciousness, that was our reality is seen as if through a veil. We know it’s there, but it no longer has an impact upon us and we’re no longer engaging with it unless we choose to do so.

All of this is an organic process that’s been woven into our DNA before we incarnated. As the vibration of the planet increases, new codons of DNA are activated and our consciousness expands. We naturally awaken to our multidimensionality and more of who we are.

Each of us is experiencing this expansion in our own unique way with divine timing based on our soul’s passion and desire to know more of itself. It’s not something we can force, nor is it something we can block anymore.

Either one of these attempts will only create unnecessary pain and tribulation in our lives. By simply releasing the old collective consciousness and allowing this innate process, it has the potential of unfolding with ease and grace along with Gaia.

Gaia’s advise to me has always been . . .
“Ride my waves of consciousness and keep your life pure and simple.”

Surf’s up BeLoveds, Consciousness is expanding, and the Sun is brightly shining!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
www.sharonlynshepard.com  "


There are far more realities than the “old earth” and the “new earth”.

"To many the bifurcation of earth may be a new concept. Within the new age community this is one of the new buzz words of the moment.

For several years there’s been a lot of talk about a new earth. Some feel that humanity is ascending to new earth as a group, leaving no one behind. There are others who feel that we are in the midst of a bifurcation of earth with two different groups of humanity formulating. One attempting to maintain the old earth. The other choosing a new earth.

At first creating a new earth and allowing those on the old earth to continue as they are sounded exciting to me. I was ready to move forward while allowing others to live as they choose and awaken at their own rate. I was never a fan of evangelizing a new earth to shepherd everyone into one golden moment of ascension. But something’s been niggling in the back of my mind and this whole idea of bifurcation began feeling “off” to me. As is my usual practice, I tossed a few questions into my cauldron of wisdom and allowed it to bubble until clarity ensued.

The clarity finally came to me during this recent dream:

I was packing a small box of crystals and stones, which I considered to be wisdom keepers, for my sister. When she saw what I was doing she shook her head and said, “I don’t want those.” I realized my sister doesn’t have any interest in what I have to offer so I returned the box to its resting place and replied, “Okay that’s fine.” This confirmed that my sister and I are living in very different realities. I do not resonate with her reality, nor she with mine and that’s perfectly okay.

Then I was packing a second box of crystals and stones for my daughter. She also shook her head and said, “I don’t want those.” This was another validation of living in different realities. As with my sister, I felt at ease about it. I harbored no judgment, nor any hopes of my daughter and I ever working together spiritually as I had once desired. I recalled having realized this about our relationship a few years ago which made me sad at the time. Now I have no emotional reaction about it at all. I fully bless her soul path as she’s living it and I bless mine.

Each of us simply living our reality of choice.

Neither one better than another, simply different choices.

Upon awakening in the morning I realized this answered my question about the bifurcation of the earth.  Bifurcation: is defined as: the division of something into two branches or parts: the bifurcation of the profession into social do-gooders and self-serving iconoclasts.

What I realized is that bifurcation is simply another form of polarity. The reason this new earth/old earth model doesn’t resonate with me is that I have gone beyond the concept of duality. There is no either/or for me. Neither my sister nor my daughter are living the same reality as I am. And they are not living in the same reality with each other. Therein lies the question…. who goes to which earth? It looks to me like between the 3 of us there are 3 different realities, 3 different earths. None more right or wrong than the other. It’s simply a matter of choice.

Those of us who are aware of new earth are no longer living in duality, which is one of the constructs of the old earth.

By breaking free of the old earth matrix, we are breaking free of duality. We are entering the time of the many, not the time of oneness where everyone is required to agree to the same reality. Nor a separation of those who are considered awake vs those who are not. For who defines or determines who is awake and who is not, for there are many degrees of awakeness.

I feel that the original idea of the bifurcation of earth was a stepping stone away from the confines of an old earth that has been cycling and recycling for eons of time.

The old earth/new earth model initiated  “Releasing the old Collective Consciousness”  as mentioned in my prior blog, and inspired new potentials for all of us.

There are far more realities than the “old earth” and the “new earth”. Our evolution is happening so fast that as soon as we all agree on a new concept, there are multiple new potentials already presenting themselves. Attempting to fit everyone into a prescribed new earth reality very quickly becomes nothing more than an expanded old earth.

Thus, I feel we have already evolved beyond the limitations of the bifurcation of the old earth or the new earth. We each create our own reality. And each reality may change from one day to the next, from one moment to the next. Humanity has the opportunity to create as many new earths as there are conscious creators.

As humanity is awakening, we’re moving beyond the old collective consciousness, each person doing so in their own way with their own divine timing.

I recognize that not everyone is ready for a huge leap and we each have a role to play. Thus I honor each person’s choice, including my own soul’s passion and desire to expand beyond this current reality.

No longer held back by the belief that we are all One, with one agenda, and one new earth. Rather than attempting to restrain everyone into only one, we are the many, constantly expanding our consciousness. We each have the freedom to evolve and live in whatever way we choose. As we do so, old timelines are collapsing and consciousness is reforming accordingly for each of us.

We are all Master Creators!

As Sovereign beings, we each have the ability to create our own reality according to our soul’s desires, free of all limitations.

Do not allow your self to be influenced by the perception of others based on a yearning to be part of the group.

Create your own new earth. 

Breath your divine consciousness into it. 

Live your own reality. 

And watch as those of us who resonate with each other naturally find each other’s playgrounds, living in harmony with each other rather than attempting to fit into someone else’s reality. And thus, we have the opportunity to live All That Is.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
www.sharonlynshepard.com  "


You are NOT alone. Reach Out and CHANGE your Life TODAY.

Reverend Crystal Cox Quantum Healing Services.

Quantum Healing Services Includes: Quantum Readings in which I look at your oversoul, your programs or Enchantments and help you remove them permanently, look at what you are doing in your life to create right now, look at people in your energy field and give you an intuitive, clairvoyant, informational reading in order to help you understand and remove whatever is blocking you from the life you actually want.

Quantum Healing is a hands on healing, a faith healing, a laying of the hands, an energy healing, running energy all to lend energy to your own innate healing process, assisting you to connect to your higher self and assist your innate to heal you on all levels.

I have been healing with divine energy for over 30 years. Contact me today, we can do distance healing, we can do readings or healings over chat or email. Give it a try, see if you feel changes in your life and feel guided in the right direction. Contact me today to set up an appointment.

Are you struggling with Self Doubt? Do others influence you to much? You are trying to work hard to “feel” like you “deserve” good things. That is a programmed belief. Underestimating your Worthiness? Break Free From Self Doubt. It is the Key to Everything.

I can help guide you through what is blocking you to peace of mind, happiness, joy and abundance. I can assist you to re-align with your own inner guidance and your own innate healing.

If you are experiencing the Mandela Effect and want a deeper understanding of what it means to your life, or need support as you go through it, I provide quantum energy healing to help you align with your innate, provide readings for your unique life and circumstances, and guide you to understanding what to do next.

Take Charge of your Thoughts, your Programs, your Self Doubt and actively, moment to moment Create the life you really do want. If you find you are struggling doing this on your own, I provide Quantum Healing Service which include Quantum Healing on a cellular and energetic level, spiritual counseling regarding what is happening in your life at the NOW moment, and consulting on what to actually do right now to change and heal what you currently think of as your reality.

You are NOT alone. Reach Out and CHANGE your Life TODAY.

eMail me if interested in these services at ReverendCrystalCox@Gmail.com
Reverend Crystal Cox
Bringing Back Goddess Church

Friday, January 26, 2018

There are NO PROBLEMS “in the World”. There is only what you think of events that play out or what you think or believe about what events you are told may have happened but you did not really see them happen with your own eyes. There are NO PROBLEMS, there is only your perception of what happened, and your emotional charged based on your own life experience, programming and beliefs.  Obsessing over World Problems is addictive and creates more of that in your life. Focus your Thoughts and Words on what you do want. And NOT on what you don’t want. There are NO PROBLEMS there are only your Triggers, your Beliefs, your Patterns and the thoughts you have that create the world that comes to you as “the world you live in”.

~Reverend Crystal Cox

Quantum Healer, Mandela Effect Counseling, Intuitive Readings

Monday, January 15, 2018

Put your hands on someone right now. Heal Them. No training, no certificates, no practice makes perfect, no years of doing it. Just Do it. Feel your fingertips, feel your palms, feel the warmth coming off of them, lay these hands on another wherever intuition leads you. Heal Each Other. ALL OF YOU Right NOW. There is no reason to not do this on self and others right now, and all the time, whenever possible.

Lightbodies, The Landing, And New Earth

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

YOU are ALL Healers. Know it and Just Do it.

Years ago I heard Dolores Cannon, a ‎Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist, talking in a Video about her therapy and about while being in a “session” with a client, she saw Cancer and while she was “in there” she may as well clean it up. In other words, while having the client in a state where their day to day mind chatter, beliefs and programs are not controlling their physical body, ailments, pain, discomfort and disease, while in that state she, somehow, took them to a place where they did not have Cancer. I thought this to be wonderful and if that type of “healing” existed, then there is nothing else that one should bother “practicing”.

I thought that if Cancer can be healed by this Quantum process, by leading the patient to somehow heal themselves, then that was the only type of healing I am interested in, how, in the world did she do that?

Years later, after hearing of the Mandela Effect and realizing I, indeed, had shifted Realities, I read some information from Cynthia Sue Larson and heard some of her interviews. She talked about healing her daughter of a broken leg, and healing others in a way whereby say a leg was broke and she moved them, their consciousness, to a physical “reality” where they did not have a broken leg. She talked of being able to move people to a reality where, say, they did not have said ailment or disease, broken bone or physical trauma.

Once I heard people were actually doing that, in physical reality and not simply a what if, or a philosophy or healing technique of the ancient past or distant future, I wanted to know how to do this on myself and others with such a profound. “Real world” affect.

Where to start came to mind.  What words to use to search that kind of quantum healing, as there was so much information out there using these same words, yet the healing left me wondering the How To of it all. So much information put out there to draw people to buy a book, take a class, follow a guru, get certified, and to learn certain trademarked protocols in order to learn this mysterious secret technique to perform miracles on myself and other.

The kind of healing that moves bones in such a way you can see them moving. A type of healing whereby your body heals itself. A healing that neutralizes cancer and any dis-ease and can actually mend bones, and heal in ways that most call a miracle and believe that they cannot give or receive this miracle themselves. They believe that only God can do this kind of perceived miracle healing and that God is outside of themselves.   Or they believe they need to save up and take a course or pay another to heal them and they seem to give up with those seemingly impossible bridges to cross. 

The books and videos I previously mentioned did not go into the how to detail and I did not have the money to pay a practitioner to teach me. I could not find the exact methods of how to actually do what I now know I can, and we all can do. I also had many emotional blocks to address to even consider being worthy of being healed.

I had learned of the power of thought long ago and the miracles that come from consciously choosing what you focus your thoughts on. I have studied the law of attraction in ancient text, and know that what I think I create. However, I, decades of study and getting better and better at remember to apply that knowledge to every part of my life and health, and still I had no idea that I could, in an instant, actually change physical reality in such a dramatic way.

I studied Energy Healing from many books and gatherings. Information such as that of Yogi Ramacharaka, Barbara Eden, Barbara Brennan, Raymon Grace, Dolores Krieger, Dolores Cannon, John of God, Faith Healing, Shamanic Healing, Reiki and so many other forms of healing, however I did not have profound effects until I spend decades clearing old energy, patterns, programs, and massive time alone with self. And after years with a Shamanic Quantum Healer to remove my own resistance to healing myself and others in the profound, even say dramatic or miraculous way in wish I always wanted to be able to do.

Now I deeply understand hands on healing, faith healing, energy healing, quantum healing in a whole new, directly connected to source, to my God self, to my own innate way. A way I can and do now.  I put this energy, this type of innate healing into action every single day, most of the entire day. I am getting stronger and more powerful daily and thereby more effective to performing those types of perceived healing miracles.

I have never followed western medicine,taken prescriptions or and listened to medical degreed doctors who have no true desire to cure but only treat symptoms and get people hooked on prescription drugs. Mainstream doctors are so cold and do not seem to believe that emotions or thought have anything to do with healing. They do not believe in or practice energy healing or seem to work in any way that is natural to the body in any way. They do not use Plant Medicine and ridicule their patients who do believe in ways that are natural to humans and are our natural birthright innate healing abilities.

It all seemed to boil down to needing others to heal. A need for doctors, chiropractors, specialists, drug companies and all that “commercial” enterprise of YOU feeling good that is so disconnected from your true source to actually heal yourself FREE from all others should you choose to do so and are awakened to that innate part of you that knows what to do to heal you.

Still, I did not understand how the Faith Healers, the Quantum Healers, the Witches, the Healers actually healed with something beyond subtle energy healing, beyond everyday thought, beyond herbal tea, elixirs and running energy as I have known it to be. I have seen people cured with plants of serious disease. I have seen black salve remove tumors and seen high alkaline diets cure cancer. I have seen miracles with plants, herbs, and energy work. Dendritic Cell Therapy, Alkaline Therapy, Oxygen therapy, Frequency Cures:  I have studied all of these and lot’s more in depth for over 30 years. And I have seen and met people cured of cancer and other disease in which “doctors” claim is not curable.

However, to heal, to cure, to set bones with ENERGY, how is this done and how to do it became the quest. How can I do it and Free the mystery around it all and once Free, shout it from the proverbial rooftops per say and awaken the innate in all who, like me, simply, did not “get it” in a way to actually “do it”.
The kind of healing whereby a bone is broke out of the skin and quantum healing puts it back as if it never happened, the kind of healing that convinces the body it simply does not have cancer and cancer is gone in an instant, the kind of healing that makes the body walk when walking was never possible, and the kind of healing that has been past deemed as sorcery, magic or a miracle. How does one do that? Who can do that?
Is this the “magic” of the past? Is this what the witches did? How about the Faith Healers who so many deemed a fraud? Is this the healing that druids, wizards, and perhaps Jesus did?

Yes it is, and we can ALL do it. And now in the New Energy of New Earth we can do it with less resistance in mass. The new energy brings with it new and stronger healing energy, and our innate, our own bodies already know what to do with this energy, we simply have to let it.

Where did the magic go? Where did this healing go and why do so few do this kind of healing? It seems to use no plants, no doctors, no drugs, and is simply a “state of mind” that somehow heals the body. So How Does One Do This?
I have had energy work from many people over decades. I have had some healing, some flow. However once I met the healer I have now, I really began to see shifts in my physical body and what I knew as my reality. And once I took personal responsibility for what was blocking me to heal and used things such as EMDR and EFT to remove blocks constantly, then I opened more to my healing sessions and awakened my own innate in a way I did not think possible or truly understand in the what I deem as my “past” so far in this lifetime.

Some call it Auto Healing, as once the “Energy” is on, and you don’t resist it, your INNATE, your natural body processes takes over and does the healing in your energy field, your body internally and your physical body. All felt, seen, visible to you once you know what you are feeling, seeing and allow it to happen.

The “church”, the politicians, the powers that be, they all made us afraid of our innate ability to heal ourselves as if we heal ourselves they cannot control us, charge us and keep us in fear and debt. They instilled, programmed fear in Faith Healing, Witches, Shamans, Druids and all manner of mystical and alternative healers.

They licensed and controlled healing, medicine, and they made plant cures illegal, and made our innate quantum curing abilities the laughing stock and illegal with severe punishment. They called healers crazy, and when the body moved in “odd” ways to heal itself, they called it possessions, demonic, dark and evil and they FORBID this healing work.

All whom use this same innate healing ability. All religions, all healers, throughout time as we know time to be, they all used this same natural innate healing process / energy and it was stopped, made illegal, suppressed, and the people teaching it and using it to seemingly, magically heal others, well they were jailed, killed, fined, and burned at the stake. We all have this natural healing power / skill, and all the tools and permissions we need to do this seemingly magical miracle healing that is really our natural body process, our God self, our own innate.

I have seen videos, tv show with radical Faith healing, whereby hands were placed on people in front of a large group of people, usually a church, and it was so fantastical, so unbelievable as the body would seem to animate itself. People would flail around, people were crying and calling out in praise. I saw it as staged, faked so that the audience to give money.

In this type of healing, if the body needs to, it will move in such a way as to look as if you are flailing, and that your bones and muscles simply don’t exist, when in truth they are letting go of all resistance and the innate, your natural body process is moving in a way to miraculously, yet naturally heal yourself. The hands on healer simply awakens your innate, kind of a reminder and an gives their energy to the process as well. All to use the natural human abilities to heal.

No need to know what organ, bone, muscle, cell needs healed, as the body knows and simply does what needs done. This seems to have been kept secret, yet so many books talk of this energy and this healing power, however it is somehow coded, knotted, congested or has been in the past and no it is clearly seen, it is right there in front of you. It is in your own hands, your body RIGHT NOW, this very instant.

This Can be Done all the Time, and by anyone and costs NOTHING. 

No more to the barbaric, forced healing of doctors, and other therapies that litterally force a healing, that really only alleviates the symptoms, and actually blocks the cure. YOU are the Cure to your own disease, pain, back out, bones out, and any pain whatsoever in your body.

This free, effective, seemingly magical miraculous healing ability we all have is our natural ability and needs no training, no certification, no ordainment, no license, no permission from mankind and their governing bodies in any way.

If they taught you that you could Self Heal and that your Innate, your own higher self and inner guidance could actually take control of your body and heal you, well then you would not need them, so they made if Magic and evil and they made it forbidden, and they taught medicine and forced it in a way that needs schools of indoctrination and big drug companies and NOTHING to do with your bodies natural abilities to heal itself.


Witches were Quantum Healers, it looked magical but really they were facilitating the body of the client, person needing healed to heal themself, another words they got the healing process started or initiated the healing, and the innate, natural abilities of the body took over from there. Onlookers may have perceived the bodies movement or actions as demonic, as the body really does take over. This is natural. This is the bodies natural process such as the heart pumping blood, or the lungs use of Oxygen, or any other body process you already accept as natural and innate and have not been taught or forced to fear.

My mission is for the secrets, the mystery and all the lack and fear and unbalanced commercialism that keeps this healing locked away out of reach of all to BE GONE forever. I want you all to heal each other every single day for FREE and use your innate, God Self to do this healing. I want you to empower yourself and to not need a doctor, a specialist, a drug or anything outside of yourself to miraculously heal.

It is our natural bodies ability to “magically” “miraculously” heal. It is as natural as an embryo becoming a human, a seed into a tree, and as natural as your organs knowing how to grow and what to do in your body, as naturally as your arm knowing where to grow, and as natural as all your body processes such as breathing and blood flow. Your innate healing ability to HEAL ANY, absolutely any disease, pain, misalignment, discomfort, broken bone or ailment of ANY kind.

We have a private Group to Explore, Study, Teach, and Learn about Quantum Innate Healing such as this and more. If interested private message one of us and we will add you.  You ALL are born able to perform this ancient healing practice on yourself and others.

Quantum Healing Group
~ Reverend Crystal Cox