Saturday, October 27, 2018

Interesting Comment on the Mandela Effect and the Milky Way Galaxy

Space & Universe

I just discovered a massive Mandela Effect

We're in a completely different part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Does anyone remember where we used to be in the galaxy. When I was in 8th grade, I visited an observatory on a school field trip. In the basement of that observatory they had a planetarium in the basement.

During a presentation in that planetarium, I watched a documentary that was all about where we were in the universe and the woman in charge specifically pointed out that we were on the edge of the galaxy. I later heard that we were specifically on the Sagittarius arm, as illustrated here But no. Apparently, that's completely wrong. According to the science textbooks now, we're in the middle of the galaxy on the Orion Spur, as illustrated here. That's a difference of 80,000 light years.

To put that into perspective, one lightyear is the distance that light can travel in exactly a year. It only takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth. 80,000 light years is a distance beyond human comprehension. We're not even on the same fucking planet anymore (maybe that explains the many geographical differences too? Idk). And I know I didn't just imagine that because world renowned astrophysicist Niel Degrasse Tyson apparently agrees with me.

I have a theory about why our galaxy seemingly teleported. At the end of that presentation I mentioned, the woman in charge pointed out that it was her job to map out the stars in order to try and figure out exactly what the Milky way looks like. Unfortunately however, there was a part of the Galaxy she couldn't see because there was a nebula (basically a space cloud) in the way. Based on where we were and where we are now, we would be on the opposite side of that nebula.

My theory is that the planet we are on now has always been where it is. We just couldn't see it because that nebula was in the way. But someway, somehow, we all ended up here. We're not in a different universe like a lot of people seem to think. Same universe, same galaxy. But we're on a completely different planet. "


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Bloggers have the same Constitutional rights as Journalists Due to 2014 Obsidian v. Cox Free Speech Case in a Ninth Circuit Appeal.

" Federal courts have ruled that bloggers have the same Constitutional rights as Journalists. In 2014 The Ninth Circuit Federal Court ruled in Obsidian Finance Group v. Crystal Cox that even though someone might not write for the “institutional press,” they’re entitled to all the protections the Constitution grants journalists. "

Source and Full Article

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox
Port Townsend Washington

Saturday, October 13, 2018

First Federal Court of Appeals Case that SPECIFICALLY Protects the Rights of ALL Bloggers, Citizen Journalists, and Whistle Blowers. By Reverend Crystal Cox of Port Townsend Washington

USE Your Voice.

Start a Blog, Make Videos.

Report on what is happening in Your Neck of the Woods.

Report on What Happened to You.

You have had EQUAL Rights Legally by a High Court Precedent since January of 2014.

My First Amendment Court Case was the First of it’s kind to get a High Court decision that Gave ALL Bloggers, Citizen Journalist, and Whistle blowers EQUAL rights to that of the highest paid Journalist in the highest of institutional press.

Now Retraction Laws, Shield Laws, and the First Amendment APPLIES to ALL Bloggers, Citizen Journalists and Whistleblowers EQUAL to the highest paid Journalists of the biggest media outlets in the world.

All sides fought me, threatened me, belittled me, defamed me, pressured me to quit, harassed me, gang stalked me, investigators followed me, my emails were hacked and watched daily, and I was under constant threat for years and years to hold onto this Legal Precedent for YOU to Have YOUR Voice.

In my court case, Obsidian v. Cox there was No Criminal Extortion. This was made up by the Opposition to attempt to Stop me from proceeding to the high court. And to attempt to suppress ALL of  your voices as a matter of Law. It was a Set Up by a group of attorneys, judges and big media with varying agendas.

For those who believe there was Extortion in the Crystal Cox Case, ask yourself Why None of these Court Officials, Attorneys, Judges, Cops, FBI Agents, Homeland Security, or any party private or public filed ANY criminal charges in any way so that there could be a True Investigation as to the allegations against me by Big Media. Large Law Firms, Groups of Attorneys and High Court Judges.  This was ALL to Deny the constitutional rights of Citizen Journalists, Investigative Bloggers, and Whistleblowers and to attempt to discredit the true to the best of my knowledge reporting I was doing, in that case, on Portland Oregon Judicial and Bankruptcy Court Corruption.

There was no Lies. All I reported was True to the best of my knowledge and remains to be true though I have removed the blogs per a lower court settlement.  I had got the Precedent that changed the world. I had made it to my Finish Line, my Goal and from there I let go of the battle to bring down Portland Oregon Bankruptcy Corruption.

I exposed Corruption for decades to the absolute best of my ability and with the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the best of my knowledge and ability.  Now it is your turn to TELL YOUR STORY.

Many of the Articles out there about my Case, are Distorted, Jaded, Biased, Hate Filled and Flat Out False. There are some aspects to many of the news articles about my case that I do like, so it’s worth reading through to find the golden nuggets.

The First Amendment court case, Obsidian vs. Cox is cited around the world in courts large and small. This Legal Precedence has changed the world and gave YOU a platform to ROAR, so Do IT. ROAR.

I was Pro Se in the Lower Court. Meaning I represented myself, acting as my own attorney. I did so for one I did not have money for an attorney, and I did so as I knew that an attorney would force me to settle, to bow out and therefore STOP the case moving to the highest court possible and forcing a high court ruling as to what rights bloggers have / had as compared to the rights of the institutional press.

Remember that when one goes to the Ninth Circuit, attorney or not, there is no legal case citing or information allowed that was not stated, named, created in the lower court case. So my attorney could not enter new case law, but could only use what I had already used.  I chose Eugene Volokh deliberately for this task.

“Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law Professor

who represented Crystal Cox pro bono, affirmed:"

“This case is THE FIRST ONE from a federal court of appeals that specifically protects the rights of bloggers."

There are Many Articles and Much Chaos around my Case. What rises to the top and Lights up Undeniably is that ALL Now Have Equal Rights to REPORT the News, and to “Break the News” even if no one else is talking about. You are the News. FIND YOUR VOICE and Tell Your Story.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

(Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox)
The Real Reason for Follow your Bliss, Choose your True Preference, Follow the Path of Least Resistance and Do What Most Excites you is: These are what leads you to your calling. These are your Signs and Signals from your Higher Self, your OverSoul, and what leads you to your Calling, to the life you really want to be living. These are your signals of which option to choose that is of your highest and best good, these create your highest dimensional frequency and move you to your higher dimensional timeline. These are the communication from your own divinity on the Path, the Option, the Choice to take in order to fulfill your mission here, to learn what you came here to learn, to help raise the frequency of Mother Earth and her people for all.

To assist you to be in constant reminder of these things, I recommend listening to Abraham Hicks every single day, anything of hers really and listening to information from Bashar. Stay in the moment and choose every second based on your highest excitement period. REMEMBER every day, all day long, to Choose your Thoughts, and to make any and ALL choices moment to moment based on your own personal Joy, Excitement, Bliss, and what honestly feels good to you personally. This is your Sign.    ~ RCC

Friday, October 12, 2018



Tuesday, October 9, 2018

In America and consequently around the world there is a new kind of Sexual Revolution. This is the Civil War we have all been waiting for as the Light reaches every single corner, shadow and cell. The Anger, Rage, Triggers, Programs, Trauma, Abuse, Abortion Issues, Indoctrinated Religion, Oppression,  Individual Experience Truth is all coming out, and will no longer be suppressed by “the Family”, the “Police”, the “Judges”, “Congress and Senators” and all the “Secret Keepers”. ALL sexual abuse will be seen by the light and the trauma will be eternally evaporated. Meanwhile, the uprising is a seed, and it grows everywhere by the second. You will only see a small portion on your “media outlets”, the media that reaches you personally. However, every family, every work place, every shore, every company, every office. ALL is coming to the surface to be seen. In being seen, ALL is healed Collectively.  ~ RCC

Monday, October 1, 2018

I Stopped Believing In God After Pastoring A Megachurch

Energy Update Diane Canfield

"Blessings Beloveds,

Since the Equinox we are still experiencing:

Interrupted sleep

Increased feelings of thirst /coming and going

Increased insights


Pay A LOT of attention to what your consciousness tells you when you are doing other tasks and what we call a meditative trance state without actually meditating. This is when the mind is quiet and the higher realms can communicate with us and give us extra pieces to the puzzle of our lives, supplying us with insights so that we can make the most progress possible.

This is HOW the UNIVERSE talks to us when we are QUIET and not talking to others. As you become more advanced the Universe can talk to you in an actual voice as it does to me from outside of myself, that you can hear outside of yourself.

This can often happen when there is an IMMEDIATE message that has to get through right then and there. I will be sharing more about this soon to give details on what this is like to receive. <3

Psychic Clairvoyant | Ascension Teacher | Alien Races Contactee | Energy Wave Expert

Healing Ancestral Lines From Within

I Deliberately delved into different realities, homes, people's lives, there beliefs rules routines, their “home” frequency, live and interaction with each other frequencies. In this I cleared ancestral lines, literally by staying long enough to join the ancestral energy. When doing this with actual bloodline shared, ancestry lines shared, it was quicker.

I delved into their plot, their story line of life let’s say, and me as the filter absorbing their history, their functioning disfunction, their abuse, trauma, programs, triggers and pain and me emitting light and frequency to beam the energy until clear or clear as possible. While at the same time healing the line in me. At all times I had an incarnated ascended master performing healing working on me, on the people I met .

Performing Energy Healing, Universal energy line healing, removing implants, programs, triggers and chords and much more to clear the lines for all to the highest of light and frequency possible within that line, those timelines and such.  ~ Reverend Crystal Cox