Saturday, March 9, 2013

Types of Spiritual Healing

"An endless reservoir of healing is available from the spirit side of life for the use of individuals of the Earth Plane. Various methods can be used to tap into this power:


Absent Healing

Absent Healing is a curative power sent to someone at a distance. The healer fLrst cleanses their mind of doubt, the seed from which failure grows. Knowing that healing is a reality aids the healing in allowing healing power to flow through easily. The word impossible disappears from their vocabulary, and true love for the one in need is expressed. Positive prayer creates a bond with Infinite Intelligence and healing spirit entities. Without this help, the healer is powerless to relieve the recipient's condition. The NSAC Prayer for Spiritual Healing is more than mere words. It first appeals to the Unseen Healing Force to cleanse the Healer's mind and body, then asks that it heal others. Finally, it affirms our trust in the Infinite's power and love. Prayer is a mighty force. When linked with energy from the spirit realms, it expands to embrace the positive, eliminates the negative, and helps perfect health to manifest.

Contact Healing

With contact healing the actual physical contact assists the healer transfer curative energy to the recipient. The healer's hand or hands are placed upon the recipient's head, shoulders, or both; thus becomes a conduit through which this energy flows. The spiritual healer may be acting as a transformer of the spiritual energy to make it more readily absorbed by the recipient.

Many contact healers place one hand upon the recipient's forehead and another upon the back of the neck. Contact with the head and shoulders is sufficient for the purpose of healing. Touching the recipient any other place on their body is unnecessary, and charges of unprofessional conduct can result from doing so.

Spirit Healing

With spirit healing, spirit doctors work directly upon the recipient to correct, or relieve conditions. With this type of healing the spirit entity, or entities, do not require the use of a healer in a physical body, but are able to work directly upon the etheric, or spirit body of the person in need.


There are other means of bringing about healing without the intervention of spirit doctors or the Infinite.

Magnetic Healing

A superabundance of magnetic energy within the physical being of some persons helps to facilitate the ready transference of the extra healing energy to others. Yet, however easily this power flows from the magnetic healer, it can also be depleted if too many healings are given in succession.


Suggestive healing is positive thoughts implanted in the mind to serve as a catalyst to promote healing. The finite mind of a person is part of Infinite Spirit and may take positive or negative directions and affirmations have an important role in this method. Affirmations such as: "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better" find a place here since the Law of Like Attracts Like is also at work since like thoughts in turn create like conditions.

Absent, spiritual, spirit, magnetic, and suggestive healing are the most common healing practices found in the Spiritualist church.

The results of Spiritual Healing are produced in several ways:

By spiritual influences working through the body of the medium to transmit curative energies to the diseased parts of the recipient's body.
By spiritual influences enlightening the mind of the medium so that the cause, nature and seat of the disease in the recipient is made known to the medium.
Through the application of absent healing treatments whereby spiritual beings combine their own healing energies with the energies of the medium and cause them to be absorbed by the system of the recipient."

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