Tuesday, September 22, 2015

We must make it right, best we can with the First Nations. Mother Earth, Father Sky, Great Spirit.

"The California mission system subjugated Native Americans throughout the West Coast with forced labor and conversion, with the goal of wiping out Native culture by the coerced acceptance of Catholicism and violent punishments.
On Wednesday, Pope Francis is scheduled to canonize Junipero Serra, the priest who founded this oppressive institution.
In protest of this unjust ceremony and to honor their ancestors, Tatavium descendants Caroline Ward Holland and Kagen Holland are making the 650 mile pilgrimage to all 21 of the California Missions, "As we walk to pay our respects to the ancestors on this walk, there has always been a thought in my mind that maybe the Pope would decide to stand for what he says he stands for, and recant his decision to canonize Serra,” stated Caroline Holland. “If he is who he says he is, then he would realize that this is wrong.”
Pope Francis has made important gestures of humility and regret to the Indigenous people of North America, but has decided to follow through with canonization of Junipero Serra as scheduled. We stand with Caroline and Kagen and other protestors who are speaking out against this wrongful sainthood. We call upon Francis to reject this ceremony for a man responsible for the death of thousands of indigenous people.