Sunday, November 15, 2015

Bombs. Killing. War. Is NOT the Answer. TRUTH. Love. Light. PEACE is the Answer. In 100% Faith there is No Fear.

Well the Western world as many call it, The Christian Nations have rose up and Justice is to be served. The root of the situation and the Real Bad Guys, well who really cares right? Today the super powers are BOMBING the SHIT, as they say, out of whom they claim is the "bad guy". Just like in 9/11.

Thing is the real bad guy has not yet shown, and will one day when the smoke settles. Meanwhile the Elite Super Powers now have justification, real or not to BOMB, BOMB, BOMB.

TODAY Bombs bursting in Air. And we are to be so Fucking PROUD of this. As the bible says an Eye for an Eye right? As the Bible says, simply kill all those who you think hurt you or don't love your God, right? The bible must say kill all who are not like you right? The Bible must say build a government and control the people and charge them to live on the Earth that God provided. The Bible must say God provided food, medicine, and clean water and air of the Earth so that a super power can make drugs and force cures that don't work and poison your food, water and air, right?  Why do we stand for this?

Are these the values we hold true, just bomb everything, that will serve them for messing with us, right? Oops 10 years later we find out that they were not the bad guys, oh well they are dead now, gone to heaven. We find out we had more in common with those our government KILLED needlessly in other countries on our dime then our government. WAR is NEVER the Answer folks.

Look Deep, there is a reason, there is a season, there is Truth of what is really going on, LISTEN WITHIN. Today as the Bombs HIT HIT HIT in retaliation and jurisdiction, Family of Light, Hold Strong in the Light and send Love, Light and Illumination of Truth.  ~ Reverend Crystal Cox