Saturday, January 16, 2016

Change by Choice

by Reverend Crystal Cox

Change by Choice

Timely, Undoubtedly you Know
Change must happen and that
Change must be NOW and
Change by Choice.

Change is a must
No matter who you Think you Trust.

Time for Change, though
You know Life will never be the Same
and Part of you Rejoices in this Knowledge
while other parts of you fear the Knowing,
Fears the Choice of Change.

All you Thought to be Your Life
Though know of the illusion,
Time has come to change,
Change it All by Choice

You know this Clearly without
the hint of doubt.

Change by Choice
may leave you with times alone.
Trust this, as you are truly your own best friend,
and knowing thyself is the highest Knowledge.

Children may turn against you, Trust this.
Let go with 100% Faith.

Choose Change by Choice.

Keep Walking.
Fear Not.

The overwhelming clarity of change
is upon you. Choose Change Fearlessly.

Change by Choice
can be as painful as change without a choice, still be Proud
in your Choice of Change.

Even as Bridges May Collapse in front of you,
and Bridges may burn brightly behind you.

People may walk away from your life
Others may be attracted.

Many may be left to end their days without you.
Don’t mourn this. They chose, you choose.
Don’t take their Death personal, it is not your
choice to Choose.

Stand Strong in Change by Choice,
listening to the strength of the
Guiding Voice within you and
NOT of those without you.

Gardens May be Unattended.
the proverbial “things”
may be left undone.

Grown children left to attend
to their self and the life of their
own creation.

Still move into change with 100% Faith.

You may be made fun of, boycotted, abandoned
by what you knew to be your life is not your path
Choose Change.

You may lose a job, your home,
your lover and all you knew to be your life,
still move to the
Choice of Change.

Change is your Guiding Light.

This is your chance at choice,
higher learning and deeper knowing awaits,

The chaos, the fear, the needs of others for you
to be who and what they need you to be
for them to be more comfortable with you.

All of this, is NOT yours.

It is time to be authentically YOU.
The you that you know in your
own mind, heart, soul
to be your real True YOU.

Listen to CHANGE.

Change is your Beacon;
your Lighthouse to your next
safe and higher frequency harbor.

Allow Change Fearlessly.

And Let go of the shore of Past Perception and the illusion of a Secure Future.

Folks, we DIE. Our bodies, our human vehicles are temporary. There is NO security
in a dying vessel. Keep Moving, CHANGE by Choice and LIVE your LIGHT.

You are the Holy Spirit.
You are Creator.

Trust God / Goddess within YOU.
Leap into the Stream of
Change by Choice.