Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Witchcraft is a Religion. It is the oldest of Religions. Witchcraft has been around Mother Earth for over 35,000 years.

The WORD witchcraft is scary and confusing to many. Many associate the word WITCH with EVIL or darkness, that is far FAR from the Truth.

Witchcraft is THE OLD RELIGION and predates all other Religion. Goddess worship predates Christianity, Buddhism and all the rest. Witchcraft is most like Native American Tradition and Shamanism.

Witches are HEALERS. Witches are Oracles, Seers, and Wise Ones.

Study Witchcraft and Goddess Worship inDepth and remove YOUR FEARS.

Witchcraft takes it's scripture from NATURE. From Mother Earth, from the Sun and the Moon, the Tides, the Rivers, the Forests the birds flight and the cycles of the seasons.

Check Out the Book "the Spiral Dance" by STARHAWK as a Great Place to Start Learning about the OLD Religion of Witchcraft.

Research Links ~ Starhawk and the Old Religion