Monday, June 18, 2018

Time is not illusory, it is Subjective. 

Time is what you expect it to be.

The Events that “took place” only still exist in a time format because you believe them to be and play them back to be, in to existence. You literally bring those things, people events back into being (existing), back to this moment in the way you remember, and from your “back then” perspective. If you experienced the events the way you prefer, and bring them to the present with your present perspective, lessons learned, programs let go of and such, then you would be in the NOW and time would not exist per say.

Time Exists to the extent you believe it does.

Yes your society runs on “time”, however, you don’t have to. Cars run on Gas, use oil. Homes and industry uses electricity. ALL of this FORCED on you, when electricity was always free, it’s literally in the air. Cars can run on water, on air, with magnets and more. Western Medicine, another example. If you choose another way, believe, know, another way

Society, YOU, choose to “run on time” without the need to look into why. It just is they say. The clock and the dollar ruling the world and both are only real if you make them so. So many say well I have to use time or I don’t make it to work, i have to have work or I don’t survive. And well ok, but who created this version of time? Of your very life? Now is this moment, this right now, a “time” to change your relationship to time.

Some look back, look at time, as the events they create in their mind or “remember”, they play them back and they label themselves as a failed person, a “not successful”. I wasted my life, I did not know the best way, I screwed up, I should have … I wish I had … My life would have been so much better. Thing is that is not true. That is only a hint of true if you believe in time, if you believe that death is final

It is not true if you believe, you know that you are infinite. And that time is a man made concept. All you have is this eternal moment

Factor in the mandela effect and that time as you knew it, events, sacred scripture, .. and more can change as you sleep. And with no need or participation directly from this version of you.

Life sucks, I could have done better, I should have done this or that, I failed as a parent, I did not go to the right school or make the right choices. All that blah blah blah only exists if TIME exists and time is not real. All things, including the past are right now, so if you know that, believe that, than how would those based illusions of failure, loss, wrong choices, bad behavior even exist? They are all subjective to your personal experience anyway. Your perceptions of events creates the time they exist in.

If I had made that choice… I would be .. Well make that choice NOW. I can’t I am to old. Well then you believe in, perhaps even worship time. What if you make the Choice now and only live one more day, in “time”? Ok well then there it is you made the choice and the previous timeline, or version of time, simply no longer exists, and perhaps never did.

What happened in the past only still exists in “time” because you replay it, talk about it, remember it a certain way. What happened in the future, yes happened, only did so because you create the event with your mind thinking about it over and over, as if it already happened. You create a rigid version of what you want, when without time, this NOW flows freely and you get to re-choose, and perhaps a higher vibration choice, EVERY SINGLE NOW.

Simply let Time be, perception be what is your greatest joy in the moment, the honesty of what you really do like best, the free flowing NOW. With no down on yourself for “past”, for other timelines that no longer exist. Every NOW (moment) you choose a higher vibrating choice

Raise your vibration, raise your frequency; do this with JOY, with what excites you, and let “time” come to you, in the very NOW. And don’t forget to leave room for the element of surprise.

You don’t have to know what is coming. Keep your “feeling” of what you want to feel like and from there experience all NOW, completely in the present (moment) while being honest to yourself about what you really prefer to have, to be, to do with and in your life.

YOU, Your Life. Your Eternal Starry NOW

~ Reverend Crystal Cox