Head Pastor, Director Universal Church of Light / Goddess Church Port Townsend Washington Non-Profit. New Earth Quantum Ministry. Teaching and Healing to Empower Individuals. Tools to Manifest your Highest and Best Life. Homeless Advocacy. Spiritual Advisor. Psychic Healer. We are The Ministry of the One, the Individual Empowerment. Our Religious Belief is Called DIVINITY. We are a New Earth Ministry ReverendCrystalCox@Gmail.com
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Micheila Sheldan
"The physical embodiment of our advanced consciousness is what we are currently in the process of. I see this every single day in my work... people really stepping into their lives differently. Are you noticing this too?
"Humanity is offering a new frequency. This is a higher resonance and speed than that which you have had the ability to hold in many thousands of years. The term ‘holding’ is the most critical one in this declaration. You see, humanity has embraced its higher frequency at times, but it has not been able to embody it; or in other words, put it into action here on the planet. Achieving this frequency has been through nonphysical applications and this is where it has stayed. Your timelines became perceived as separate because societal imprints did not allow you to function here in your new frequency. So you hid it behind closed doors. You went to your daily job from nine to five, and in the hidden hours of the night, you practiced healing or channeling. You listened to others tell you of the great shifts on your planet or potentials held by the ancients. But it became a story. The applicability to you was never embodied or put into action. This is the great change we see occurring right now on your planet."
The 9th Dimensional Energies in Universal Harmony"