Blessings Beloveds,
There is a huge leap of consciousness that occurs when one transitions themselves into the Energy that is actually happening or not happening, compared to the predictions of the energy that may or may not happen.
This one small but VERY important step can help you live in the NOW moment, when everything does ACTUALLY occur.
To do this is to not follow predictions of energy or the pack, and actually tune into the energy field and see what is happening yourself.

Predictions can be an addiction, and all addictions must be discarded in the Ascension Process. 

As a psychic who does give accurate predictions, predictions have their place, but not with ENERGY, since incoming energy can occur at ANY time regardless of planetary occurrences. Energy waves, downloads and upgrades are not subject to dates and times.
They are the work of the Creator, the Galactics and all things in the unseen psychic world. They do at times conform to planetary influences but this is by no means all the time.
If we just think energy will come in on special dates and times, we are limiting ourself to the upgrades that will only occur at those times. Upgrades can actually occur anytime and they do.
You have all seen me post when we have had huge energy upgrades and there was no special date at that time. This happens more than 50 percent of the time. So think about it, if we only focus on dates, we are losing out on over half the upgrades that are REALLY taking place.
My Near ascension experience in 2013 did not happen on any special date and the full ascension/event experience most likely will not either.
Many times special dates come in and there is literally no energy attached to them. This is why we must make the consciousness raising move into TRUTH, the one truth and not the pack consciousness of the old way of being. 

Thinking that all planetary occurrences lead to shifts in consciousness is incorrect. This also hurts those that may be legitimately tuned into energy/ or are working hard to feel energy and then feel nothing during the times predictions are made.
We need to be aware of high energy possible dates, but not influenced by them to the point of missing the energy upgrades that can and do come in at any time 

Love Diane Canfield
Psychic Clairvoyant | Ascension Teacher | Alien Races Contactee | Energy Wave Expert"
Psychic Clairvoyant | Ascension Teacher | Alien Races Contactee | Energy Wave Expert"