Saturday, October 27, 2018

Interesting Comment on the Mandela Effect and the Milky Way Galaxy

Space & Universe

I just discovered a massive Mandela Effect

We're in a completely different part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Does anyone remember where we used to be in the galaxy. When I was in 8th grade, I visited an observatory on a school field trip. In the basement of that observatory they had a planetarium in the basement.

During a presentation in that planetarium, I watched a documentary that was all about where we were in the universe and the woman in charge specifically pointed out that we were on the edge of the galaxy. I later heard that we were specifically on the Sagittarius arm, as illustrated here But no. Apparently, that's completely wrong. According to the science textbooks now, we're in the middle of the galaxy on the Orion Spur, as illustrated here. That's a difference of 80,000 light years.

To put that into perspective, one lightyear is the distance that light can travel in exactly a year. It only takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth. 80,000 light years is a distance beyond human comprehension. We're not even on the same fucking planet anymore (maybe that explains the many geographical differences too? Idk). And I know I didn't just imagine that because world renowned astrophysicist Niel Degrasse Tyson apparently agrees with me.

I have a theory about why our galaxy seemingly teleported. At the end of that presentation I mentioned, the woman in charge pointed out that it was her job to map out the stars in order to try and figure out exactly what the Milky way looks like. Unfortunately however, there was a part of the Galaxy she couldn't see because there was a nebula (basically a space cloud) in the way. Based on where we were and where we are now, we would be on the opposite side of that nebula.

My theory is that the planet we are on now has always been where it is. We just couldn't see it because that nebula was in the way. But someway, somehow, we all ended up here. We're not in a different universe like a lot of people seem to think. Same universe, same galaxy. But we're on a completely different planet. "
