Thursday, October 31, 2019

Gateways of Possibilities Transitions Out of Fixed/Linear Ways Vibrational Alignment Letting Your Pure Heart Lead the Way

"Energetic passageways open up all new possibilities, potentials and new realities to be discovered and explored....

The linearity of all was each's limits before. The re-birth of humanity and a whole new existence comes with each "old" that dissolves, "dies" and falls away, with the dismantling of that which all perceived to be "reality", in order to make way for all new.... and each's access  to all is DEEP INSIDE........

The "old way" was to hold onto fixed mentalities and beliefs (as well as that which was constructed from these) and that which was perceived as "safe", because of each's control mechanisms that represented the belief that control was the way to live. With each new awareness, each sees and understands that control is a limit, even a prison, that stifles and stagnates the breath limitless possibilities, beautiful creativity and the ENERGY OF possibility and of dreams... With each presentation of a new possibility, at first there will be excitement and fear all wrapped up in one... yet as we all embrace the excitement fully, a new reality is birthed/born/seeded and then nurtured, raised, grown into an "adult" reality, one that evolved through love, care and kindness and an immense amount of energy to "raise" the project/reality/idea into fruition, in order to bear fruit and create a vibrational return (at some point/as is vibrationally/highest aligned)....

Birthing entire realities is a massive process. They take dedication, focus, patience and commitment to follow-through.... This is a part of how NEW EARTH REALITIES come to "be", as your PHYSICAL LIGHTBODY literally births these "new" (multi-dimensional) ideas, which in essence are already realities that exist. The passageway is your traveling to get there, all that you do to anchor the LIGHT CODES, activate them and then apply them to how you "do" your days/life.... this DIVINE GUIDING LIGHT AND CHILD are born out of your old you's death/dissolution processes that limited you/held you in the limiting realities of before....

I keep hearing/seeing so many focused on "the future", without the awareness of being focused on "that time" is separation within itself. Time is an illusion, a framework, a limit placed to create disruption in Divine Flow....  and a massive part of this entire transition over to NEW EARTH REALITIES is transcending the illusory separation of time. "Time" measurements (age/dates/comparisons/more) were held by our own linearity, in our bodies templates of 3D/4D. As each's body achieves a 5th Dimensional vibrational frequency fully, "time" becomes ENERGY and the parameters are very different than before. You FEEL the speed of all as all slows down (even to a halt/zero point) or speeds up to the "speed of light" and moves faster, and a part of y/our Universal Body Template (5D Lightbody) is learning to move in UNISON, in Divine Harmony and Flow... which means learning to maneuver and function in all new ways, as well as  learning "new equations", like how much ENERGY IT TAKES to accomplish something, how much ENERGY you INVEST in "that", how much ENERGY IT TAKES to maintain/sustain/support, as well as produce/accomplish that which is highest aligned and a part of your service roles/new life too....

Time becomes ENERGY and your Physical LightBody runs on LIGHT ENERGY... your own Soul's Light, which is what fuels (and supports) your body and all of your realities too. There are different phases where you have people around and you don't, because of the LIGHTBODY Phase you currently are in, which can change constantly (and will). You will become choosier in what you FEED YOUR BEAUTIFUL CREATIVE LIGHT ENERGY into, that which you create to experience, that which you allow in your own reality/world/field.... as if it is not supporting, inspiring and a part of the creative processes, it will drain your LIFE FORCE, your Light Force, your Creative Breath that births new realities forth...... and it will also correlate to what is perceived as "abundance" too.

Your Light is what fuels your Lightbody, this is the Light of your own Soul... It's also activated by way of Photonic Light, which become the same thing after awhile. Your consciousness and your ability to create/maintain/sustain will be dependent on YOUR ENERGY and what you "do" with it.... as this also will be how you support your physical body and all of your physical realities too....

Your Precious Light is what activates EVERYTHING.... it's what touches the hearts of all others, it's what opens portals/doors, it's what can affect every reality just through presence... without "trying" to "do" anything at all.... Your LIGHT is your Source Consciousness... the SOURCE of all CREATION and defines all of your experiences here.....

Your deep sacred connection is what opens up all and what you "do" is then what activates new timelines/holographic geometrics and realities to come forth/arrive/unfold/materialize for you.....

Our REALities are not realities that we "think". They are ones we FEEL/KNOW AND OBSERVE... so pay attention to when you say "I think" and shift this to "I feel" or "I realize" or "I see" or "the energy says" or something other than "I think" (3D).... and see if your own perception/awareness changes/shifts to a different one.... Listen to your feelings, they are important. Learning to decipher them is KEY.

Learning to honor your feelings and not judge, to FEEL them fully without getting caught in "stories" (these created realities and held them in place before)... is important as well.

Entire collectives are shifting to all new perceptions, awarenesses and understandings... Distortions screaming so each can "see" and work through the deep programming held within that allowed those realities to exist.... There are phases where everything has to be untangled/untwisted and then re-twisted into something completely new.

This is how distorted all was in 3D consciousness... twisted into reality and accepted/believed and when this unwinding/untwisting process begins, it can be mind-blowing to say the least. This is important to open neural pathways and create Universal Corridors/connections in the brain and body and through photonic light activating to work through and open up all.....

4D was getting each's heart open to FEEL.... (and it's not pretty at first when those deep feelings that were ignored, suppressed and held deep within start to surface, yet it is a necessary and important part of the process of transitioning to a different phase where those no longer bind each to the realities of before.....

5D is FEELING and a deep inner-connection within. The transition out of duality/dualistic realities into a Holy Trinity and Unity Consciousness as a way of Living, yet we don't stop there... we go so far beyond "just 5D", because then the fun/work starts... as each is shown what's possible and available, then it's up to each to "get it done"... (Divine Masculine Energy within each one of us).

This is where it gets a bit "tricky" at first, as you are a newborn innocent child, just birthed (raw) and anew, in an adults body, walking around "creating" realities out of thin air (Quantum) and learning everything from scratch, all over again, because the "rules" (Cosmic Laws) are different here....

You are an adult, responsible for your ENERGY, a child CREATOR and a Divine Feminine all rolled up into ONE. The LOVE OF A MOTHER SO PURE, with the rearing of your own innocent creative playful inner child, with the Mastery to observe and Master yourself.

This merging/union makes it easier, as the "battle" inside goes... you are no longer in a "fight" (ego), as your higher self lives within your body and "from the future", giving you the ability to create/call forth/bring forth that which has already occurred .... as well as "seeing" how all works on a Quantum/Energetic Level, instead of a linear one......"

Source and FULL Article