Thursday, October 10, 2019

"THINK in terms of Benevolent, Intelligent Energy, Current, Currency and access to all that is, found in the 'One People's Public Trust', filed and made public notice on Christmas of 2012.

This TRUST foreclosed upon 3D, and the Corporate Structures of the planet and gathered all the assets and pooled them for all I AM WI ARE to gain access to this ValU as wi became mature enough and response able enough to be entrusted with same. And yes, this includes the Banks, the corporations operating under the guise of Governments, the Countries, States, Counties, cities and Wi, the One People. No more Borders, as all is One. You might go so far as to say all Fictions, Fiats, and False Narratives are no more. They have been declared Null and Void.

Wi all NOW stand as sovereign beings, except that ye believe otherwise.

As long as wi still believe and live by those false narratives, wi still hold them in play by our powers of same. And yet, the structures continue to crumble before our very i's.

Like clinging to the BANKS of a River that's Rising, you will eventually have to let go and go with the flow.

Yes, your powers of creation through thought and action are that which holds your reality in place.

"As a man believeth, so is he." Hence the importance of letting go, or surrendering to that divine will that is operating thru the rules of commerce that takes your bank account or home from you. Yes, this is the benevolence of the darkness that is kicking you out of 3D because your higher self says you are ready to move on up.

 Nothing is happening to you.

It's all happening for you. See it so, so it is.

Trust in it and go with the flow. 

There's way more on the other side of what you might otherwise judge to be bad. Let these Currents carry you to your future. 

It's a effortless way of BE'ing in the Flow. I speak to you as this is what I've come to realize on my journey into the Wilderness of the unknown, after having let go of all that I thought I was and needed.

What a gift that was, as you shall see, as future proves past. After all, they do say "hindsight is 2020". Yes, wi do have an E-sense of humor.

I AM that which you seek to be united with in your own hearts.

It is here, in the emptiness, where I AM guided by the Will of Source, not by the will of man attached to his ego desires. It is here where I have access to this TRUST. For I have given my life for that of the High-Life, Eternal Life, One in WHoly Matrimony, with the ONE, I AM Presents, in all that WI ARE.

I thank thee for your Presence, as the gift and the gifted. I AM yours for the price of LOVE...Unconditional, it must be.

In Love, I AM WI ARE"
