Monday, March 21, 2022


"Dear Beloved Earthlings and Starseeds, Planet Tierra is approching the First Wave of Ascension. 

In the following transmission, we will Explain the Major Shift 

at the Physical Level and give further Instructions on the Sequence of Events, (at the best of our capability), on How to properly Prepare,

and an Overview of What I was Shown we would Experience during the First Transition. 

It will Be the First Of Three Powerful Waves of Light. The Third Being the Completion of The Ascension of the Whole Collective into the Fifth Density.

A Density is a separate Reality, a seperate Tone on the Harmonic.

Within Every Density Exists many Dimensions, which Reflects the Vibration of your Being. 

You Are Within a Density, Perceiving a certain Dimension, which Is Unique to your current State of Consciousness. 

Between Every Density, Exists, Walls of Light, Created to Protect the Power and Wisdom from Malicious Beings.

The Poles are Splitting as we Speak.

It is the Urgent Sign that the Magnetosphere is being weakened.

We are Approaching the Poles Reversal.

In the next few weeks, we will experience the ascension of the 

First 144,000.

Depending on your Level of Consciousness, there will Be 16 Timelines that will Open.

This means we will all Experience Different Perceptions,

from the Same Reality. 

The Days Before the First Solar Wave, There will Be Precise Instructions on How Things will Unfold. 

First, make sure you have Water and Light Foods, always for 3 to 7 Days, and Candles/Lighter For Light. It is Highly Advised to Avoid Dead Food, and Toxic Substance, Days Prior. Also, let your Love Ones Know, not to Fear, if the Power Shuts Off. 

The Moment the Solar Wave will Touch the Earth, the Earth will go into an Electromagnetic Nullzone, it will Stop his own Rotation.

There will Be 3 Days of Darkness, No SunLight, No Internet, and No Electricity. During those Three Days, the Planet will Undergo a Process of Mutation

The Speed of Rotation of The Electrons of All Matter will Reach Such A High State, It will Instantly Cause the Rearrangment of the Atomic Structure of Matter. The Carbon Structure will be Atomically Changed Into Silica, which will Yield a Totally New Type of Reality, with a more Subtle and Less Dense Matter. The Earth will have Reached the Fourth Vibrational Density.

Many of Us will Instinctively Fall into a Deep State of Meditation, We will Experience an Enormous Release of DimethylTryptamine from our Pineal Gland for an Extensive amount of Time.

This will cause, an Instant Out of Body Experience, from which we will Resurrect, into Pure Light.

Everyone will have a Unique Experience. 

Time will have seemed to have Stopped, it will be perceived much Longer then It was.

There will be a Major Reprogramming of the Memory.

All Negative Memories of Pain and Suffering will Be Saved Within The Universal Recorder Cell or Akashic, Then Erased and Replace by Only the Positive Perception of your Past Lives.

For the People who will not fall into Deep Sleep, It is Advised to Close your Windows, and do not Fear. There will Be a Cleansing of Parasitic Entities, and as the Veil will Be Desiccated, we will See the Dark Spirits with The Bare Eye. For this Reason, in the days Before, One should Surround one’s Home with Sea Salts and Use any Tools available,to Purify your Environment,and Create Barriers.

We Repeat, do not Fear, those Spirits will Be Harmless, as They Will Be Burning Under the Highly Charged Cosmic Particles.

After the 3rd Day, the Sun Will Rise with a New Light. There will Be Auroras in the Sky that will literally Be of Breathless Beauty. There will Occur, an Emergency Broadcast System, Worldwide. 

The White Alliance will Hijack the Planetary Communication System and Broadcast, 3 times, 8 hours of Court, for many Days, Disclosing the Whole Truth, for the World to Know. 

It is said, that during the Time of the Three Days, the 144 000 Co-Creators, from The Throne will Be Taken Unto the MotherShip Jerusalem, They Will Be the First to Have their Body Harmonize with Their ChristOverSelf. 

Those 3 Days On the Ship will Seem like 3 Years have Passed, 

even though it will only Be 3 Days. 

They will Be Taught to Use Their Power for the Highest Good Of All.

In the Days Following the 3 Days Of Darkness, The StarFleets of the Alliance will Publically Show Themselves to the World, and Will Begin Broadcasting The Message of Love and Hidden Knowledge on The Huge Screen.

They will Disclose All Secrets, and Explain the Earth is Becoming a Multi-Galactic Planet.

Over the Next Months, Hidden Advanced / ExtraTerrestrial Technologies will Be Given to the Public as their Due Right.

Free Energy, Anti-gravity Ships and much more. The Quantum Financial System will Be Activated, and People will be Allowed to go anywhere on Earth, Freely. 

Inner Earth will also Become Accessible for Those Whom Energetically Matches the Experience.

Life will Become a Pure Bliss, A Creative Story of Never-Ending Possibilities. You will be Offered The Ability to Create AnyThing You Have Ever Dreamed Of, According to the Law Of Free Will.

The Next Waves of Ascension will probably Follow in a matter of months. At this Time, Over 2 to 3 Billion Star Seeds and Wanderers will Ascend into the Fifth Dimension.

The Last Waves will Occur between 2025 and 2030, and Will Be the Last Opportunity before the Complete Shift Of The Earth, from the 4th Density into the 5th Density. 

At this point, All Souls who did not Reach the Necessary Development, will leave the body and Reincarnate in other Planets, according to their Own Soul Needs.

In order not to Infringe upon our Free Will, many Details Cannot Be Foreseen, A lot of Personal Choices Need to Be Made in Order to Complete the Precise Sequence.

Know that the Timing mostly Depends on All Of Us.

You Are Creators,You Have The Choice,

I Am Honored To Share This Dream Come True With All of You. 

Together We Stand, And Honor The Sacred Imperative of Life! 

"Let There Be Light!

Let There Be Love!!

Let There Be Life!!"

We Love You So!

Nova Maxx💙