Sunday, April 3, 2022

 Sitting in the Remainder.

A Lifetime of Spiritual Study and Experience.

Now What She Says?

The Books can’t keep up with the minute to minute

Information flow of This Now Moment.

The Truths we take with us, only a Perspective, 

A Program Placed by versions of ourselves or 

Others we are not yet to know. 

In a place where we created or were created, 

A place of feeling we know the “Truth”, if not

Only for ourselves, yet not able to yet create 

What We Truly Want to Be our New Earth Life,

Or if we are able, we do not yet believe enough

To change our frequency to see this

New Earth We Truly Want. 

We seem to be waiting for some big Event,

And indeed it is all playing out. We are assimilating

All we knew to be our lifetime(s), we are standing up to 

Demons, if only in our dreams.  We cannot leave the 

Proverbial “collective” behind, and so we wait. And in the waiting

We forget to create the new, or do not have the hope, the drive,

The inspiration for such. We are now at the mercy per se of the 

Grace of the Divine Forces we believe are just beyond the veil 

Protecting us from this final layer of darkness trying to 

Resist Retreat. We are rendering all we knew to be our lives. We 

Are taking with us all we loved and preferred, and we are leaving the 

Rest, the Remainder is what we take. But where? To the New Earth 

We want to live, they say. In the waiting they say we can create, 

We are here, we create our Reality, and as I watch the Evil praised,

And the Asleep cheer for the Demons, even if unwittingly, I have a heavy

Heart as though I know the light has Won and still remains and even

Those fast asleep will one day SEE. Thing is they are still our neighbors,

Our local businesses, theaters, art galleries and government. And they have cheered the Demons, no matter the light we beam. 

And So as we head to the Remainder, and as we Ascend to our next 

Level, I can’t help but shed a tear here and there for those having art shows, putting up displays to support a “cause” they truly do not know 

Of the depth of the darkness of its’ Origin. I am a Lighthouse. 

I came here to raise the Vibration of Mother Earth and her People. 

And I know we have succeeded in that Mission, however, how do we thus next unconditionally love those who praised Demons and Denied any 

First hand Truth, those who shut us down and followed the Demons. I suppose that will simply be the next level we partake in.

I always wanted to assist them to awaken and heal them once awake. It has been my lifetime Mission. In this NOW moment my heart is heavy as they raise their flags in Cheer and Glory to the Dark, and they Believe it to be the Light.