Wednesday, April 13, 2022


The Wonder.

STOP Fearing the Tide. 

Let the New Shells Come to 

Your Shore. 

Fear is Passing 

Through You, YES. 

Let it Pass, no Pondering.

No Feeding the Life not Preferred.

There is No Reason, there is No Story

There is nothing to Regret.

The New Tide will Return

Regardless of your Fear.

Holding the Fear, Feeding the Story

Of Lack and Loss,

Simply Slows the Tide and Hurts Inside. 

The Experience is the Matter. 

Solitude the unassuming Grace. 

Healing Happening at its own Pace. 

Divine Timing, Frustrating.

Searching the Moment for Meaning. 

Today, Seeming the Same Ol’.

Is New In So Many Ways.

Curiosity Replaces Grief.

Fun, Laughter Replaces Depression.

It is Cosmic Law.

You are Sitting in a Time of 

The Real You. It Feels Empty, 

You feel you don’t matter and 

Every day is the same.

You can’t yet help but 

Prepare for the Fall,

As Past is your Reference point,

Not yet able to Release

To Divine Inner Peace. 

Love to learn

Learn how things really work

Have peace of mind

Release triggers, 

Release anxiety

Those human emotions

Are NOT yours.