Monday, December 12, 2022


 "Sparkling Souls, we greet you with love and messages of the times in your Earth realm reality. As some of you know full integration into our sister has begun & many volunteers souls like CHAN-Dah are going through processes quite similar. We are with you all, so we will speak as we are also you. 

We must move through the shadow. Face that shift head on. 

We cannot heal what is happening in ones reality by ignoring the triggers and traumas. 

We Have to Stop Bullshifting Ourselves & Others. 

Dissolve the darkness into love. 

Face it all, honoring each broken piece of shame & guilt. Honoring and really FEELING the Source of it all. 

Keeping in mind WE ARE NOT OUR STORY

We are more than our identities. Use this Neptune, Mars & Full Moon energy to melt away the attachment to the egos need of the identity.

The disparities, the grievances, the anger, even death, though incredibly saddening and painful from one’s perspective…these challenges are NOT who we are. 

We see them as such because we have been programmed to do so as HUmans. 

We delete the program that’s running by sitting with it in the void of consciousness. Yes the VOID of consciousness, because when you even go past the consciousness of the deeper you, there is Source/God/Creator. 

Taking all the time we need to do so and shift it only when one is ready. 

It’s only in the Oneness of the connection to Source/God/Creator that we may do this. 

This is the work dear loves. We have been and will continue to transmute the collective energies through the vessels energy field with you. 

Please, Lovingly join us. 

A good start is using the voice which is the frequency of the soul. 

There is NO more powerful tool, no gong, crystal, herb, tool etc etc…more powerful than The Souce of the BEing, The GodSpark within. 

By using the frequency of the souls code through the vocals we’ve begun moving the energy and releasing the program running. Disintegrating the illusion that we are our identities attached to the storylines. 

One must be selective in choice of songs as all music is coded. If it FEELS right for you as you process & release then use it. Use discernment. 

“Bring me all of your sadness, your grief and your pain

Bring me all of your anger and all of your shame

I want all of you I want every piece

I want you to bring all of yourself to me.

Bring, bring your intensity Bring, bring your shame

Bring all of yourself to me

I Have the space

Bring, bring your beauty and bring your love

Bring all of yourself to me

You are already enough!”

We are lovingly with you Sparkle Souls, Always in ALL ways. 

“The 12”

Collective channeled by CHAN-dah Sparklz 

December 5, 2022 "