Monday, December 12, 2022

the Divine Masterplan

I so often just become silent when I am shown the great unfoldment of the Divine Masterplan at this momentous time.

So much is happening on all levels now, seen and unseen, visible, invisible, known, unknown, in all realms, dimensions, and levels of the multiple tiers of creation.
I am finding my physical body needs more rest, more sleep.
More than this, simply silence.
For it is only in stillness, that one can truly hear.
To be like water, flowing.
To be like air, the very life force, in constant motion.
To allow the fires of purification to purify into the deepest depths.
To be firmly rooted and grounded into Mother Earth.
More than this, to simply allow the transfiguration to happen, as we become crystalline liquid, in order to be birthed anew.