Sunday, November 15, 2015

Peace Shock Illusion
The Truth Hidden
the Masses Caught up
in what they are Fed.

Listen within,
the Holy Spirit is Speaking
to you, inside of you.
The God Inside.

The Truth is trying to burst through
the Veil.
Let not the proverbial “they”
lead your thought and sense,
feel within and see the Truth.

You are Shamans, Witches, Lightworkers
Do not buy into illusions of this world.
You are in this world but not of this world.
Send Healing Energy, Raise the Vibration
Do not be Told the TRUTH.
Feel the Truth.

False Hate
fed to you
making you act untrue
to your core.

Shhh Quiet
Listen Within.

Pray for Clarity
beyond the smoke and chaos.
Check in with source,
the God Inside.
Stay Grounded
and Connected to Mother Earth

~Reverend Crystal Cox