Monday, April 4, 2016

It is ENOUGH to be a “Good Person”
It is Enough to be True to yourself and
To have your own relationship with the
Holy Spirit in whatever way you deem Holy.

It is NOT “ok” to interfere with the life
Or quality of life of others or
Oppress, abuse them
Into worshiping your Holy Spirit
The way you believe or know
To be True for You.

SHUNNING those you once loved or
Gave birth too because they don’t believe
In “your Holy Spirit” is not “ENOUGH”.

Some believe it is ENOUGH to “Follow Christ”
And by this, they mean, pick and choose bible scripture
And pick and choose part of who they have been told,
And or believe that is something Jesus did or was,
And that being baptised makes it ENOUGH.

Sins are forgiven and no matter what Good
You are doing in your life that is not ENOUGH
Unless you live your total life their way,
In their TRUTH.

I had a Christian family member tell me once,
It was not ENOUGH to be a “Good Person”.
I had to accept Jesus as my savior, get dipped
In their so called Holy Water and be Baptised in their
TRUTH. Without this is does not matter how much
Good I Do. I must be baptised and make some declaration
To their God, their church, and give them my money and time
After I have dipped in their water and proved to them my commitment
To their Faith, and to the Holy Spirit of which is my personal relationship
And has nothing to do with you.

Your relationship with the Holy Spirit is between
YOU and the HOLY SPIRIT, it is not about a community
Of mortals judging you or dipping you in their water and
Claiming that you are then free of Sin.

These same folks supported a well known pedophile, as they
Said that being a pedophile is not a Sin in the Bible.
See that part was clearly removed along with any part that
OBVIOUSLY women had in life in general at the time.

They forgave the child molester and claimed he
Would be resurrected, because he had been baptised,
I would however not because I had not been dipped
In their ceremonial farce.

Folks, Being Good, being a Good Person
And doing good things for others, as well
As Mother Earth, Animals and her people
Is ENOUGH, and it has nothing to do with
Belonging to anyone’s version of Religion,
Spirituality, Baptism or indoctrination of any kind
~ Reverend Crystal Cox