I know so much. I have seen and studied so much, been an insider on so much during what I know to be this lifetime. I have remembered from other lives. There is just so much that I DO KNOW, without a doubt.
So in order to LEARN the SO much I Do NOT Yet KNOW, I cannot hangout with those who don't believe that I know WHAT I REALLY DO WITHOUT A DOUBT KNOW FOR SURE. I cannot hang around those of a lower vibration, lower frequency and of whom don't believe what I know. I cannot convince them nor do I aspire to such. I simply remove them from my life by choice and seek those who vibrate higher, seek to learn more, and raise my own frequency. I send them love and light and I remove them from my LIFE, no excuses needed. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox
Head Pastor, Director Universal Church of Light / Goddess Church Port Townsend Washington Non-Profit. New Earth Quantum Ministry. Teaching and Healing to Empower Individuals. Tools to Manifest your Highest and Best Life. Homeless Advocacy. Spiritual Advisor. Psychic Healer. We are The Ministry of the One, the Individual Empowerment. Our Religious Belief is Called DIVINITY. We are a New Earth Ministry ReverendCrystalCox@Gmail.com