Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Ella Kate Reeves-Cullen ~ you have a mission as one of the light holders of the planet to raise your frequency as high as possible

"I've recently achieved full transmutation ;

Biological transmutation – which means transmuting your physical, carbon based body into a silica based one. In other words, not leaving a body behind and experiencing bhardo (physical death), but transmuting your body into a lighter state.

This is built into the 12 Strand Angelic Human DNA Template that was created over 560 million years ago in higher harmonic universes.

Q: Why are we currently incarnated here?

A: To evolve ourselves and the Earth.

Your DNA is directly connected to the Earth

It is a transmitter and receiver.

You can think of it as your bridge to the divine going upward and your connection to the Earth’s core. Even though up and down is simply an illusion created by your brain.

If you are incarnated here at this time, then you have a mission as one of the light holders of the planet to raise your frequency as high as possible to help build critical mass on the planet where we can all ascend the Earth in this current ascension cycle.

Q: How do we raise our frequency?

A: By clearing past energetic blockages, karmic imprints, unnatural seals, and ACTIVATING the dormant DNA that has been waiting for eons to be active.

Q: Why is humanity stuck in a physical, emotional, and mental reality?

A: Because most people only have those corresponding 3 strands of DNA active – that relate to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras. These chakras control issues related to sex and survival, victimization, pain, and suffering, poverty consciousness, and power, ego, and control. 

When we activate strand 4, which corresponds to the HEART chakra, we can evolve past this and be able to truly cultivate unconditional love.

Q: How does spiritual evolution happen?

A: Only through somehow activating the DNA strands that correspond to our Higher self. We have a specific protocol that was given for this using specific sacred scalar wave codes and commands. For example, if you desire to activate your Soul Identity, stationed in dimensions 4, 5, and 6, you need to ACTIVATE strands 4, 5, and 6 of your DNA template.

Once you do that, you become an EMBODIED soul, and will start making all of your free-will choices IN LINE with your soul’s mission.

Every master that has ever been on Earth has had assistance from higher masters with their DNA activation, simply because the Earth cannot accrete enough frequency to allow this to happen naturally.

Q: What typically happens after an Auric Clearing?

A: You feel pristine and clear. It is like heavy weights have been lifted from you and in reality, it has been. Etheric blockages contribute to physical weight on your body. 

So you will definitely feel lighter, more clear, have less voices in your head, and can LISTEN to the voice from your Higher self. 

Drama disappears from your life and you are able to be more pro-active than reactive. Most people are carrying around so much emotional baggage and energetic blockages that they cannot even focus for 10 minutes on something.

Q: What is the purpose of the Karmic Clearing?

A: To clear everything you inherited from your parents and ancestors through the DNA at conception that is not for your Highest good.

Q: What are examples of some of these issues?

A: The main one is POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS, and the belief that there is NOT ENOUGH, or YOU are NOT ENOUGH.

Also, unworthiness, undeservedness, guilt, victimization, tyranny, lack, limitation, self-doubt, and over 14 specific archetypes and personas that create the shadow self of a person.

If a Karmic Session is NOT done, then when a person gets older, they start to behave just LIKE their parents, even though they consciously resist it. It is because it is programmed into the DNA and unless you do deep inner work to clear the imprints, then you will continue to WALK THE KARMA of your parents and be blind to your own important soul’s mission.

Q: What are the unnatural seals that block natural DNA activation and how do we clear these?

A: They are called the Jehovian Seals.

There are also the Metatronic Implants, Templar Seal, Templar-Axion Seal, Zeta Seal, Crown of Thorns, and cell death programs (which science thinks is NORMAL and has labeled apoptosis).

It is not normal for your cells to commit suicide. It is not normal for people to “die”.

The unnatural seals placed on the human DNA and Earth’s grid by other races has basically done an ENERGETIC CRUCIFIXION to mankind that has shortened life span and kept us in incarnational cycles and the MATRIX.

Q: What typically happens after a J-seal Removal Session?

A: Physical problems you had on the left side of the body dissipate and eventually disappear.

As the seals are located on axiatonal line 7 on the left side of your body. So your neck feels better, you are able to breathe more easily (as one seal is located in the left lung), your left knee loosens up, and since J-seal 3 in the pineal gland is cleared, you can FINALLY connect to your Higher self and be naturally clairvoyant, clairaudient, and do direct manifestation.

Q: Why has this knowledge been hidden?

A: Control. It is easy to control poor, ignorant people who cannot access the higher dimensions of themselves and see the complete reality and perception.

It is more difficult to control someone who has all of their multidimensional and inner sight turned on so they can see and sense the intentions and motives of others.

Q: Is it true that one of the main Human Genome Project scientists said that much of the human DNA has off-planet origins?

A: Yes. And this is the 97% of what scientists call “junk DNA” that is inside the cells that they think does not “do anything” because it doesn’t code for proteins.

These are sequences waiting to come in contact with the right codes and frequency so that they can then ACTIVATE the full capability (brain, body, mind, DNA, soul) of humans.

Once you learn how to activate your DNA, you can learn how to fix the mess that has been done to the DNA and it doesn’t require fancy equipment or labs, simply learning how to direct certain frequency using codes with your intention."
