Saturday, February 4, 2017

"Relinquish your struggle, fight and need to control, need to scream to hear you, need to resist anything at all. Surrender to the love and magnificence that you already are.

Embrace that pure place inside of you to open those portals and walk through them as love. It's the only way to get to the other side and walk in the higher reams. The lower density programs cannot come with you.

You must release them if you desire to walk in the new. The unknown is scary to your human, exciting to your highest aspect you. You must choose which existence you desire ... one of unity and love or one of chaos, confusion and loss. Loss is only the old going so you can move on. When your heart is open you do not lose anything at all.

You are ready for the next vibrational reality to unfold. 

You greet it with anticipation of the awesomeness that it brings forth.

You let go of the fear, as that was an old matrix illusion program that you held within. It will release from the cells of your body (conflict, chaos and victim mentalities will too).

You will realize that all just waits for you to reach up, open up and embrace your highest aspect you and all of the realities that come with this. "

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