Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Don't STAY Anywhere you don't like PERIOD. No Justification Needed

If anything your partner says does not feel good or right to you, ask yourself, why are you there? Are you afraid you can’t do better? How can you do worse than your every moment happy?
You don’t need to have a reason, if it feels bad to you than it is bad for you, MOVE ON. You do not have to justify what you want or why to anyone.

If you are settling, and staying with a person out of fear and not excitement then you are create a reality for YOU to live in that is not authentically You.

Why in the world would you rather be with someone you don’t like, don’t enjoy, don’t really love or lust.. Someone who you walk on eggshells around and never really share your Truth, and you stay because why? Fear of being homeless, fear of being alone, FEAR FEAR FEAR?? Maybe you convince yourself you are staying for the sake of a child. WHAT? That makes no sense, as children feel what you do not say. YOu staying in misery torments them. You moving on actually creates peace. You being true to you creates a higher vibration life for your child as well. THERE IS NO REASON to STAY. There is no reason to allow anyone to talk to you in a way that does not feel good, NONE.

YOU do not need to Justify why you feel how you do. You do not need to explain how you “feel” or why you feel a certain way. There is no need to seek the “approval” or “validation” of others for how you feel. YOU simply MUST validate yourself and just do it. DO NOT SEEK APPROVAL period for ANY REASON.

If it feels wrong or off. LEAVE. And this goes for ALL things, places, events, people, circumstances. If you don’t like it, don’t stay. If you stay you are telling your Creator God inside that is how you want your life to be and thus you will move to a reality with more of that in it that you don’t PREFER, don’t want, don’t love and don’t even like.


Not one society rule, not one religious hoopra, not one moralistic illusionary goal, not guilt or shame, not imaginary obligation, nor any other possible reason can be more important than your own joy, excitement, and choice of a higher vibrating reality.

When you feel good, feel excited, this is your innate, your higher self notifying you that is the direction that is your highest and best, period, no exceptions.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox