Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Cannabis Tax is Illegal and Immoral. STOP Begging to Be TAXED by the same Entity that made Marijuana Illegal

THEY take YOUR RIGHTS and Sell them back to you. NO MORE.

So many fought for Marijuana to be legal, and part of their argument was hey let us use marijuana and we will pay you a tax. Oh the tax can do so much good. Thing is really for who or what? The TAX still goes to the same corrupt system, corrupt politicians and law enforcement (selective). TAXES are illegal. Plants are natural, not invented by your government that is taxing you to use a plant to heal. The same government that mades Big PHARM drugs legal and have doctors push them on you. A dumbed down society that no longer was legally allowed to self heal. Alternative Medicine has been forcefully denied across the nation.

Plants CURE. Dr's and Big PHARM Kill, make you continue to suffer, keep you on their drugs which actually harm you, for years. And most I talk to on prescriptions for life don't know what the pill is really for, don't care about the side effects. The only thing that seems to matter is the Doctor said so. Like some all knowing Daddy. Thing is Dr.s don't know and don't heal. Mother Nature does, but hey Mother Nature has no White coat, Mother Nature Factors in Consciousness, Divine Intelligence and so much more.

Doctors trained on dead bodies with no consciousness. Learn Folks, Study alternative medicine, plant medicine, energy medicine, vibrational medicine. and don't beg to be TAXED for growing a plant to cure you, relax you, and help you to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically. Cannabis is a Healing Plant. You should be "FREE" to grow any plant and do as you please with it. And not so FREE to take hoards of poisonous pharma drugs. NO TAX ON CANNABIS. Not a good argument to "let us" have it. THEY TOOK it peeps. Don't give them a HUGE tax to give it back, WOW.


"THEY" never had the moral right or legal right or divine right to STOP you from using God Given plants for anything you want. They FORCED this right onto themselves with Violence, FINES, Debt, Imprisonment, and more. Don't beg them to tax you as some bargain to get your rights back that they had NO RIGHT TO TAKE.

HIGHer consciousness is HERE to Stay. Taxing Marijuana use, conscious people will just grow their, own. "THEY" will TAX that. STOP letting this mysterious THEY take from you. If you want to pay a tax to help your local roads, local homeless, local issues then CHOOSE that. A State or Federal TAX is going to pay the THEY's Salary.
Reverend Crystal Cox