Sunday, June 17, 2018

"I am Woman, woven into the fabric of the Stars. I am intuitive. This is my experience."

"I don’t need to prove anything. But I can no longer deny my own experience. It may not fit the logic of masculine thinking. It might not be politically correct. It might sound too airy or not grounded in reality.

But these feelings are real to me. So listen!

My voice has been so long suppressed, altered and modified through a masculine lens. It is the voice of Divine Imagination, of true love, compassion and acceptance. It does not fit into boxes, but is the free flowing Spirit of Evolving Creation. This is not gender based, this is energy within all. The suppression of this energy is the repression of vital life-force!

I am Woman woven into the fabric of the stars. Listen!

I cannot “prove” my feelings or experience to you or anyone. Some things simply are. I don’t want to bother with scientific backing or data, I want to flow my creativity, to trust my instinct, to follow my heart, love and passion. I want to cry without judgment. My tears are passionate; there is deep passion within my compassion.

I do not need to be fixed, my emotions are healthy and flowing. So listen to me! I cannot fit into this man’s world of war, competition and fighting. It is foreign to me. I cannot behave in rote or mechanical ways. My spirit drowns inside these limiting boxes.

My body is a sacred expression of Divinity and contains the Wisdom and Mystery of the Universe which has barely been acknowledged. My heart shatters into a million pieces as I witness the treasures of the universe replaced for a cheap price of instant gratification.

I do not belong to this world. I am creating a new world from within. I am Creation itself and I long to help all beings rebirth anew into their Highest form. I am not interested in fighting or debates of any kind.

I am the Source of New Life and creativity. I cannot fit into any created image, as I am the process of Creation itself. How can I “work” for a living when I am the ESSENCE of living?

I am Woman, woven into the fabric of the stars.

My Heart is Expanding, my Mind is Elevating, my Power of Love is building into an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE, that will soon burst all the Banks, Walls and Boundaries, invading every Heart with a Thunderous Blast of Unspeakable Bliss turning all Beings back into their Original Divine Nature in the Most Glorious Moment ever known in all of the Cosmos!"

I am Woman woven into the fabric of the stars. Listen!