Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Barbaric Times Are Losing Power. The Light has Won.

I remember long ago when Kryon spoke of a time where we we would look back at “our time” as Barbaric. I have always been excited about this time coming.  A time where herbs and energy heals humans again. A time where the cruelty of chemo does not exist, a time where there is no homeless and we are “allowed” to actually live “on” Mother Earth, and to actually eat plant food and plant medicine, without the “need” for “approval” from a group of oppressive terrorists in the name of Government.

The Barbaric Medical System is on it’s way out. Surprises me when so many still “trust” in this horrific system that is torturing them, poisoning them, lying to them, mutilating them, radiating them. These folks don’t seem to read, research, talk to others who have been cured without the torture and torment, they simply blindly follow Doctors. Doctors of whom study medicine that is based on cadaver medicine, other words the medicine “knowledge” is based in the study dead bodies, of which have no life force and this is the key to all.

 All Medicine is Energy Medicine.

The Barbaric Times are Nearing End. Hallelujah