Friday, November 1, 2019

GUILT is SIMPLY an Energetic Message that You are not in Alignment. Perhaps NOT being True to YOU.

You don’t “Feel” through your partner, child, friend. You may not even know that you are trying to Feel through the filter of your own Triggers, Programs or what you think or know someone around you thinks based on their own beliefs and programs.

Feel what you feel and don’t filter what you know you really feel about any person, situation or thing through the filter of what you “think” “know” or “Imagine that your partner is thinking or feeling.

You may think you are considering their feelings but maybe you are not being real or true about what you really feel about a person, a thing, a situation because you don’t want your partner to not like it, or feel bad, or judge you.

You may be "considering" their feelings instead of your own. And remember their feelings are from their own perspectives, beliefs, and personal reality.

You absolutely must make sure that what you are feeling, is really what you are feeling. If you feel bad about what your feeling, maybe it is because you “think” someone in your life past or present will not like what you really feel. Don't be tempted to "care" or even consider their version of what you really do feel.

Examine the Energy and make sure that you are trusting your own feeling regardless of any energy you read from your own triggers, programs or the programs, beliefs, judgements of others. You feel what you feel, you know its what you really feel, it feels right and true. Than you have a yucky feeling, that is a program. You feel guilty for what you feel, remember this is NOT yours, this is a program, a part of you trying to please someone else or be their version of you instead of your REAL YOU.

When you try and force yourself to feel in a way you don’t feel so that someone else in your life will approve of you remember you are literally creating Realities with your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs.

Make sure and examine was it, is it your True Belief or the belief of another in your past, your DNA, your programs.

Let your Truth be Your Truth. This will call to you MORE of what you really do like.

If people in your life past or present don’t like it or approve then that is their STUFF not yours. That is their programs, their perspective, there belief, NOT yours. The Guilty feeling is letting you know hey this is not my stuff. It is not something to feel guilt or shame over. That feeling is telling you that you have a program that disapproves, IGNORE it, Give it NO Power and it will not Create a Reality you Don't want.

Move on through that mucky disapproval Energy and KNOW that you do not need anyone’s approval. You are Who you ARE. Trust You. You know what you know and feel how you feel REGARDLESS of any other person, trigger, program, thought or situation. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox