Friday, December 20, 2019

Don't Like Something about The President? Are you Willing to Look at your own Belief System, Thoughts, Emotions that Create this President in Your Reality?

If it is your Belief System that you Need a President to make your life better or worse, than that is the Reality that you will personally live.

I do not believe that I need a President, a Senator, or any politicians for any reason. I do not believe that system is of any benefit to anyone except the politicians themselves and their own families and the world they create. If you Focus on politics as if this changes your personal life than you are creating the reality they want and not focusing on your inner life,  your community, your thoughts, and that which is REALLY around you.  And thereby creating the reality you want. You get the life you believe exists.

Impeachment means what exactly to your “real life”? Well it means what you believe it does. To me it means absolutely nothing. Change your thoughts, help those in your community if you wish. You help no one by focusing on Trump all the time, or focusing on ANY president. You live in the world that you believe in.

If you believe that Trump says horrible things and does corrupt horrible things. Than look around your inner life, who in your family, your friends, your community is acting that same way and doing those things and you pay no attention to? What beliefs do you personally hold that has you in a reality where there is a “President” and one of which says and does as the President in your reality does?

Look around you. You can create change in your world by standing up to the corruption, the bullying, the homelessness, the pain, the suffering, the abuse around you. Instead you Focus on a President of which you can do nothing about. And you believe that you did not create this kind of President in your reality, meanwhile you ignore the abuse in your own family. You ignore the molesting uncle and focus on the President.

It is YOU who is a Creator God. Protesting Trump and ignoring what is local to you personally will only get you more of the reality you do not want.

Your Belief System LITERALLY Creates your Physical Reality.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox