Wednesday, April 15, 2020

There are NO FACTS, there is ONLY Subjective Perspective.

You can Literally see a Different Reality than the person standing next to you. You can experience a totally different world then the person next to you. Each world, each timeline having a different set of alleged “facts”.  Check out the Mandela Effect, Timeline Shift, Quantum Shift, Reality Shift, Parrallel Realiteis, Delores Cannon, the Pleiadians, Bashar, ELAN, Bentinho, Micheila Sheldon, Lori Ladd, Abraham Hicks, KRYON. Do your homework, find out your beliefs. Bring all Unconscious Beliefs to the Conscious For Front as you are a Creator God, you are either creating consciously or unconsciously, LITERALLY Creating the reality you are Living in / experiencing / seeing by what you believe either Consciously or Unconsciously. So once you identify your beliefs and decide are they really yours and do you still believe them, you bring the Unconscious to the Conscious forward and begin to Deliberately Create the Reality you want to be living in.  ~  Reverend Crystal Cox