Wednesday, October 14, 2020

= COBRA INFO = October 15, 2020


October 15, 2020

We’re now in the final phases. This is really the end. You can see the proof in what’s happening in the world. This would not have happened if the dark forces were not extremely desperate, because they know it’s game over. So this is why they’re doing this.

So this is the golden age we are all working for. This is something that is awaiting us at the end of this dark tunnel.

Imagine all those wonderful technologies being released. Imagine being able to travel throughout the Universe, and all options, all possibilities, endless possibilities will open for us.

The future that is awaiting us is really wonderful. I mean, imagine all darkness being removed. Imagine all financial worries being removed. Imagine all illnesses being removed.

Many dark scenarios have been prevented and even this scenario could be prevented most likely if certain people would behave differently in Lightworker communities. So, it’s a mixed situation.

So much more was possible, much more was planned to be achieved, and certain things would have been been very much different right now if certain key people and certain other not-so key people would behave differently among the Lightworkers.

Some people are doing really, really, really, everything they can. They are very dedicated, but some people are… Actually I would say their personality flaws, their belief systems are coming in the way.

For example, there is a quantum war taking place right now. I was not speaking about that before. I can release that right now. There is a war with quantum technologies and the Light Forces are winning.

This is a covert war, it is not an open war, and this war is taking place on the physical plane and it is taking place interdimensionally on higher planes with advanced technologies.

Planet Earth is the centre of the proxy war between the light and the dark factions of the galaxy, and of course at this point all those extraterrestrial races are not showing themselves openly.

So, there are other forces in the Universe and many of them have their own agendas about this planet. Some of them are positive and some of them are negative.

Our galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in this Universe so it will be crazy to presume that this is the only planet with intelligent life.

Probably you all are aware that this planet is not the only planet with intelligent life because there are so many…