Sunday, January 3, 2021

 Tired of the No Sense to Me.


with Their Awakening.

A Proclamation NOW. 

A Contract Release of VOW. 

Logic, a long ago Mirage of Hope

For those Left in Worship of the

System of Slavery they Choose.

Liberate me from Those Left in Denial.

I am NO Longer Available for their Revival. 

I Now Leave them be,

Those who Believe the Narrative

Fed to their Daily Starving Ignorance.

They do No Research,

They have no Sacred God

Nor know their God Self. 

They talk not to Spirit nor Know their heart.

They are ruled by men and do not 

Trust their Own Bodies

Nor Mother Earth’s Endless Cures. 

They Need Politicians,

Licenses, Fees, Drug Companies, 

Rules a Plenty.

They don’t know Nature, 

they don’t know Plant Medicine,

The don’t know Energy Medicine, 

They don’t know themselves.

They Trust Without Question

The System they were born into 

And they Adhere to the Rulers within. 

They Study Not, Papers and Documents of Evidence

they do not acknowledge Proof a Plenty 

they have not the eyes to see. 

Great Spirit Liberate me from 

Their interpretation of Reality.

I am at the End of Concern for their Awakening.

No Matter the Reason I came Here. 


With their Awakening

It is Now Fully Choice. 

THEY have been shown the Truth for them,

They know of Cures, they know of Free Energy. 

They know they have been debt slaves. 

They know the Truth of Polticians and the 

Flat out LIES of Doctors. 

THEY Choose that System Now, 

The Awakening is Over. 

I will no longer coddle those who KNOW

And have access to information on 


No longer my “job” to feed them information, 

They can find it on their own. They are awake now

And in choice.  I will not beg them to save themselves. 

They are all saved now, 

as they are now fully in clear deliberate choice.

I beam my light, I broadcast my frequency,

Years Pass, Light Pours in. 


They sit in their dull lifeless ignorant fury. 

Obeying Masters they accepted long ago.

They know not how they Create Reality,

They Choose to NOT KNOW NOW. 

And My Job is Done.

Time to separate the Timelines 

Time for ONE of us to Cross over

To the Other Realm. 

The Teachers,

Masters of Light if you Will,

Will soon be leaving this realm, 

As they make their new way. 

The Masters

Awakened for decades upon decades 

Of Earth Life. We have Done What 

We Came here to Do. 

Free Will Follows for “THEM”.

I will no longer feed them information

That they can easily, 

And I MEAN EASILY find online, in books,

Video records, channelings, massive information in 

Audio, video and the written word. 

THEY are coded with the Light for their New Earth. 


The Masters MOVE on.


Liberate me, Great Spirit.

Remove their World From MINE 


And MY Reality from THEIRS. 

We can no longer be subject to their

Blind ignorance and the Time has past, 

Now as we step off the Rainbow Bridge

They refused to see, nor could cross.

The Bridge will be gone soon,

And WE

Will Evaporate to them 

Or them to US. 

Their Blind Crave for Cryptic Politicians on 

Last bated breaths, is beyond logic, beyond brainwashed

Indoctrination, they are lost to the leaders they follow blindly 

And our long ago work to awaken them is done. 

Great Spirit Liberate Us 

from those who need Politicians to lead them,

Doctors to tell them how to heal their bodies, 

and all systems of authority they bliendly follow 

with NO RESEARCH, no looking within, no faith 

in Mother Earth or anything outside 

of the System of Government they adhere to. 

Liberate US From Them NOW Great Spirit

It is Time.

And Liberate Them from US. 

Leave them to their peaceful obedience to the 

Politician Gods they blindly Serve, 

And the Doctor Gods they listen to above their 

Own knowing, their inner guidance, their sacred Truth. 


With their Liberation. 

They Have Access to ALL the same Knowledge I do.

And now in New Earth, they have even more access

To the Akash, to Higher self, to Light.

They Choose dark, they choose to be led by Leaders

And to remain asleep in Following Ancient Gods

They Call Doctors. 

They Call Politicians.

They Call Congressman and Senators.

NONE are Clearly Needed and 

Their role has been to oppress,

To create laws and choose 

Who those twisted laws apply to.

Their God Doctors

enact Cruelty Withhold Cures.

They don’t mind, they await the next 

New study their doctors programs them 

To blindly follow.  

Those who continue to follow their 

Politician and Doctor Gods

I am DONE with them Spirit,

I release all connected Contracts, 

I will no longer work to Awaken those

Who NOW knowingly 

Choose to Sleep. 

New Earth is Here

Time to Create a Fun, Free, Joyful 

Life for Me and Thee.


Do Your Own Research.

You Create Your Own Reality 

With EVERY THOUGHT, Every Belief,

Every Knowing. 

You are a Channel. You are a “Reader”.

You are a “Seer”. You are a “Healer”.

You Got You Now, the Masters are Leaving. 

There IS massive information 

Online, it is everwhere. When you raise your vibration, 

it will draw to you. YOU CHOOSE. 

There is so much channeled information, you have direct access to your guides, angels and ascended masters working with you, talk to them, state what you want. 

No longer can you rely on other humans to hold you up as you refuse to look at Evidence of Everything, as you refuse to accept spirit, energy, the nature of how you create reality and continue to blindly follow your favorite talking head, your doctor, your politicians. 


you are choosing to keep believing. 

You are Awake NOW and what you do with it is yours. 

I am swimming away from the ship now 

so I do not go down with those 

who choose to remain on it.