Saturday, January 22, 2022

 I Do Not Give a Rabbit's Rump 

What You Think of my “Appearance”.

Oh the Dance of
Your Interpretation of ME,

This having no relevance to 

My rendering in this they call

Time and Space Reality.

Lines and Rolls, Hair and Buttocks,

Lips and Gels, Winks and Smiles.

You Interpret my Miles.

You search my Face for 

Your “turn on” Program.

My redeeming factors 

in your twisted Grace. 

You search my Body

For your mind’s “please”.

And to my Soul’s Heart

You will never have the Key.

I am Simply Me.

Your Interpretation 

your “Turns ons”

Are not my life’s quest.

And have uniquely 

NOTHING to Do With ME.

My Twists and Tangles,

Turns on and Solace

Are not within the Grasp of your

Defining Moment.

My version of Me

Has nothing to do 

With your Subjective Perspective

Of my Facial Reality.

Of which you give definition to

Through your twizzling twists of interpretations,

Having not one small thing to do with me.

Oh, except the Mirror I show you of 

Your Filtered Programs yet to see. 

Words are the Spell, 

the Program, the Key.

Words were the Way In, 

and Words,

are the Way Out.

Your Definition 

is your Operating System, 

And how you “experience” 

“their World”.

The Use of Words Intentionally

Is the Goal you Seek.

The Prize Does not Exist,

The End is an Illusion. 

Time is a Game you are Experiencing.

The Way Out, is the Way in.

Just Be

Just be YOU. 

You are Here to KNOW You.

All there is to be seen, 

To be “understood”, 

to be “allowed”, is You.
