Friday, January 21, 2022

Pyramids in China

 "Pyramids in China

The Pyramids of China

In 1994, a cameraman and writer from Germany Hartwig Hausdorf was able to visit the Chinese pyramids. Before that, he managed to break the persistent denial of the existence of pyramids by Chinese scientists, only by showing them corresponding photographs.

Hausdorf also managed to find the diaries of two Australian merchants who went to Chancy in 1912. They then had to meet an old Buddhist monk, who reported that these pyramids are mentioned in extremely ancient records stored in his monastery. 

The records are about 5 thousand years old, but the pyramids are also called "very old, built under ancient emperors, who said they came from the sons of the sky who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons". "

"I was allowed to visit this forbidden area west of Xian city, the capital of Shanxi province. I became the first foreigner in the world who was allowed to inspect the Chinese pyramids, photograph them, that is, document them. It turned out that there are more than 100 pyramids of different sizes. The same white pyramid is 65 km south-west of this region. 

Most of these pyramids are built on a flat land, and the white pyramid is in the mountains. This was also confirmed by US military pilots. True, they never let me very close to her.

"I found out that there is supposedly a launch platform for launching new Chinese space missiles, so the area was declared prohibited."

The Chinese pyramids around the city of Xian was first known in Europe from traveler records: 1667 - book China monumentis Illustrata Jesuit Aphanasius Kircher; 1908 - Expedition of Arthur de Carl Sowerby and Robert Stirling Clark; 1912 - the trip of Australian traders Fred Meyer Schroder and Oscar Meman; 1913 - the journey of the French doctor, ethnographer, archaeologist, writer and poet Victor Seglen.

New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi in 1963, searched for Schroder's diaries and an article written in 1912. Fred Meyer Schroeder was a trader from Australia and drove caravans from the Great Wall of China into the backcountry. He once drove along the Mongol-Chinese border with Mongolian spiritual guru Bogdyhan, and he said, "We will drive through the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China Xian Fu (on a modern map it is Xian). "After several days of tedious driving, we suddenly noticed something rising on the horizon. At first glance, it looked like a mountain, but when we got closer, we saw that it was a structure with four properly cut facets and a flat top."

Schroder felt reverently astonished at the most magnificent creation of human hands he has ever seen in his life. He was shocked by the thought that people who had the knowledge to plan and build such a structure have now completely disappeared from the face of the earth.

"We approached them from the east, Schroder writes, and saw that in the northern group there were three giants, while the rest of the pyramids were gradually shrinking in size to the smallest in the south. They stretched six or eight miles across the plain, rising above the cultivated land and settlements. They were under the nose of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world. 

The large pyramid was about a thousand feet high (about three hundred meters, t. well. almost twice as high as the pyramid of Heops) and almost one and a half thousand feet at the base of 500 meters, that is twice the size of the Pyramid of Heops). Four sides of the Chinese pyramid were strictly oriented to the points of a compass. Each edge of the pyramid had a different color: black meant north, green-blue east, red south and white west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth. 

The edges of the pyramid once had steps leading to the top, but now they're piled up by stone debris scattered from above. Below saw steps of roughly cut wild stone (each stone is about three square feet).

The pyramid itself, like most structures in China, was made of clay. Along its walls stretched huge gutters the size of mountain canyons. They were also stoned. Trees and a bush grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to a natural object. I was taken away by this majestic sight.

We went around the pyramids in search of the entrance, but we didn't find anything." When Schroeder asked Bogdyhan about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were over five thousand years old. Asked why he thinks so, Bogdykhan answered: "In our oldest books written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient."

"The main thing that interests me," writes American researcher Vance Thied, "these are the geographical coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xian is 34 degrees North Latitude. The location plan of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one. This suggests that their construction was contributed by the same ancient builders belonging to one civilization. I vaguely guessed that each pyramids served a special function and that there was some geometric similarity between the pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world. "

Again, these mysterious objects were talked about after the Second World War. The first message was published in 1947. and concerned about the report of the United States Air Force Colonel and the Director of the Far Eastern Department of the Trans Word Airline company Maurice Shihan. He reported the discovery in some valley of the foothills of the Qinglin Ridge, about 65 km southwest of Xian, as well as smaller pyramids and hills.

He says the approximate height of the pyramid is 1000 feet (300 m) and the length of its foundation is 1500 feet (450 m).

Such a certificate of US Air Force pilot James Gaussman in 1945.

James Gaussman was returning to Assam, India after a flight to the Burmese Hump that was carrying supplies from India to Chongqing, China, when engine problems dropped him briefly:

"I turned to avoid the mountains, and we found ourselves in a flat valley. Just below stood a giant white pyramid. It was something out of a fairy tale. She was imprisoned in a shiny white shell. It could have been made of metal or some kind of stone. She was white on both sides.

The castle stone was stunning; it was a massive chunk of gem-like material that was possibly a crystal. We couldn't land as much as we wanted to. We were stunned by the scale of this thing."

Gaussman flew over the structure three times, photographing the pyramid with the same camera he had just photographed moving enemy troops. While reporting in Assam, he told his intelligence officer the world would be stunned to know about this pyramid. "There was nothing around, just this pyramid in the middle of nowhere. I think this is very old. Who built it ? Why? whats inside ? ""