Tuesday, February 8, 2022

an introductory account of your existence as a bio-plasmic liquid light being

"Beloved: In the following paper you will find an introductory account of your existence as a bio-plasmic liquid light being.

It is also of particular interest that you should explore the nature of your morphogenetic field including the nature of your multidimensional existence within the 12D Grid structure of the Nebadon Universe. With Unconditional Love.


Humankind is comprised of a soul that is the etheric body, and a physical shell, which is composed of matter. The dominant state of constitution in the multiverse is plasmic, which exists in matter, invisible or “dark” matter, as well as antimatter.

The greater part of each of us is ethereal, which interfaces with antimatter. We are, indeed, hybrids of matter-antimatter based in invisible matter. Our core consciousness exists vitally within invisible matter and antimatter, but it is not of antimatter.

Indeed, we live in both matter and antimatter. There is a constant shift between matter and antimatter that flashes consciousness units into both realms, which is achieved via micro white and macro black holes in our chakras. 

We vibrate in and out of the universe with a wavelength on the order of 10-43 earthly seconds with a natural frequency that defines our state of consciousness. 

The amount of consciousness between successive flash of the stroboscopic light that gives us ‘life” is quantified by the ‘consciousness units,’ which is characterized by either our ‘light quotient’ or ‘natural frequency of vibration.’ Our nervous system is electrical.

Our carbon-based physical body acts as a capacitor. Our natural electric fields in the body are connected to our auric electromagnetic field through our chakras, which are, in essence, particle accelerators. Each chakra contains within its structure bio-plasmic crystals that operate in a fluid state, opening on each end, spanning from matter into antimatter and vice versa. They open and close and spin according to energy source and their functional purpose.

Our bio-plasmic body evolves into a star tetrahedron that is, in fact, a hybrid (matter-antimatter/physical-ethereal) bio-plasmic form. This star tetrahedron is linked to the physical carbon-based body through the double-cones of the chakric system. As such, the energy flows in and out and vice versa with the bio-plasmic body generating the human electromagnetic field. The unique energy that composes our auric system has the properties of an electromagnetic current, yet it is not electromagnetic as in duality terms.

Our chakra vortices both receive and transmit energy. Crystalline electric energy flows through the conical vortex of the chakras and is fed into meridians within our bodies but takes on the properties of coherent particles, similar to the laser light.

Our carbon bodies interface with our etheric body of bio-plasma through our ‘auras.’ There is a part of us in higher forms of our multidimensionality that lives in the invisible liquid crystalline light in the Cosmos, in what we term ‘dark matter’ that has a ‘body’ not of carbon-based chemical as on duality earth, but as crystalline silicate-based in the crystalline-electric realm of complex bio-plasma.

This is a part that has been filtered away in duality, and is the level where we connect to our ‘angelic’ part."

