Friday, March 18, 2022

Making contact with multidimensional beings and accessing individual mind control skills

☀️channeled by Arcturians☀️

Each human being is constantly surrounded or monitored by extraterrestrials and high vibration beings alike. 

For all of these individuals work hand in hand together. 

Many starseeds came to this planet to help raise the frequency for humanity and each one of them is assigned a support team to help facilitate this type of work. 

Contact is constantly happening even though many are unaware of this process. 

You may start to raise your individual consciousness grid and release any trauma based emotions running in your field. 

This will help you access the higher frequency’s needed for communication with these types of beings. 

Going into meditation states and visualization of your individual light body will help facilitate this process. 

Use of the third eye to view will allow these beings to send you images or access your communication abilities. 

When a human has a thought, the thought shall stay inside the mind Until that thought is projected out the third eye and into the aura field.

 When the thought is in the aura field any being may see that thought. Many individuals do not understand yet exactly how to block their thoughts from public view. This can be done through the power of manifestation and visualization. 

A lot of times while in sleep states, your dreams may project through the third eye chakra and this will allow beings to witness the dreams you are viewing as well. For sleep states are always a form of meditation. 

We recommend activation of a mind block ring if you ever feel a lower vibration being projecting lower density thoughts into your mind. There are beings on your planet that will project density into your minds in order to trigger negative thoughts. These beings are gatekeepers and should never be feared, for each one of you is more powerful in your Devine birthright. Telepathy is constantly being used by all individuals even if they are unaware. 

In order to activate mind block ring- wave your right hand around the third eye and head. 

Visualization of a white light creating a ring around your head should be used. Speak the words “thank you light ring for protecting my thoughts and keeping them solidly in my own mind, I now block any and all communication from lower vibration beings”. 

This will stop lower patterns of thoughts But shall still allow contact from higher vibration beings. Higher vibration beings are all love and light and shall always wish to help you during your journey. 

To make positive contact with your guides you may go into a meditation state. Blank out the mind and thoughts, and allow for conscious communication to flow. This will happen naturally once you release resistance. 

You may even make communication while your eyes are open. Take a notebook and write down some questions. Allow yourself the time to sit in peace and love frequency’s. Stare into space and blank out the mind. Any thoughts, feelings, emotions may then be written down to answer the questions. 

Remember you may feel like it is yourself writing, so choose a question that you wouldn’t know the answer. This way you will have some sort of proof and this will help you grow and develop the gift of communication with these beings. Also monitor the body’s emotions during this communication. 

High frequency beings will make you feel joy and buzzy and loved.

 This is all part of the telepathic exchange that occurs. If you feel like you have a hard time making contact take a walk in nature and rebalance and come back and try again. 

This message is sent with many love and blessings 

☀️the Arcturians☀️ 

Channeled by Danielle Lipton