Tuesday, March 29, 2022

the NOW Moment. Staying in the now moment allows for old emotional patterns to be released thus releasing the repetitive cycle patterning.

 The now moment and the evolution process 

☀️channeled by Arcturians☀️

The now moment is the space where all individuals may express their true power. 

This allows for a glimpse into the emotional body and into time space perception. 

For emotions control the time perception in all individuals and may also heal all environmental triggers. 

When an individual releases all density from the energy grid structures, the frequency of the individual shall rise into love bliss emotions and allow for a type of flow through time space and seem to appear at more rapid rates. 

These types of flow moments are also being manipulated with solar activity’s. 

For cycles of time shall always repeat 

until the densities are released. 

“History repeats” is well known on the planet, yet we wish to point out there is a collective history as well as a personal history. There is a form of numerology and sacred geometry coding programmed into these repetitive cycles. 

Emotions are what directly impact densities. 

Staying in the now moment allows for old emotional patterns to be released thus releasing the repetitive cycle patterning. 

When all densities are released from the energy grid structures a bright white light shall be seen emitting from the physical matter and a type of frequency leveling up shall manifest. This is how an individual may express a 4d density codex to manifest into their individual reality. 

4d is the next frequency level up, however it is an unharmonized density and considered a half step. A black note on a piano key is a similar comparison. 

A consciousness doesn’t normally spend too much time in 4d, it steps up rapidly for the most part. 

The solar flash will advance Mother Earths frequency into the 4d which shall effect all live on the planet, this is part of a natural evolution patterning. 

However these baseline frequency’s may be accessed into your physical matter at anytime you choose to embody them. 

This concept also dives into the earth split idea. 

For many individuals shall release the density and access these higher frequencies now. The rest will advance their frequency coding when the solar flash happens

Thus the entire collective consciousness grid shall also advance into the higher density levels. 

The individuals who advance their consciousness now are called star seeds or Lightworker’s and were sent to Mother Earth in order to help the shift in the evolution of humanity. 

And it is with many love and blessings we assist you in this process 

☀️the Arcturians☀️

Channeled by Danielle Lipton