Thursday, March 31, 2022

What does it mean to ride the wave of Ascension?

Adama 💜

   You are destined to raise your consciousness from glory to greater and greater glories unto eternity. 

Most people on the surface are dreaming of going to heaven when they die. 

Now, with the new cycle unfolding on this planet, you will no longer have to die to go to heaven. 

Heaven will soon manifest right here on Earth for all those who choose to ride the wave of ascension. 

Won’t you start your most awesome journey now? 

Or do you choose to retain the consciousness of human struggle? 

Once you have deeply explored these questions, begin or continue your sacred journey.

   Open your heart ♥️ and consciousness to the other kingdoms of the Earth. You will discover how magical and harmonious they are. Seek to understand who the animals really are, what their role is on this planet and how they can help you. Aside from categorizing them by species, appearance, size and breed, humans on this planet know or understand very little about animals. Open your heart and perception to what is above, below and all around you in the visible and invisible worlds that you have not observed before. As you do this, you will start to open yourself to unconditional love and so much wonderment. 

   You will be raising your consciousness on the waves of ascension energies that are now flooding this planet.

Your ascension to Freedom, your crowning graduation from the thousands of lifetimes spent on this planet, laboring and evolving, is now at hand. 

Never before in Earth’s history has ascension been as easy as it is now, offered to you through the ascension cycle of your Earth Mother. Won’t you ride the wave of ascension with Her? 

Your ascension to your spiritual freedom has been the goal of all your incarnations since the beginning of time. 

It is the goal of all of the many lifetimes, lessons and wisdom that you have gained while on Earth.

   The possibility of ascension to Freedom and Divine Grace can be attained in a few short years. 

Will you avail yourself of this opportunity now or will you wait another 25,000 years for the next round of ascension on another planet, experiencing the same difficulties you have been subjected to for so long? The choice is yours, dear ones. 

With Love and Compassion, I am sending you this wake-up call.

(Courtesy: Telos Book 1 by Aurelia💜)