Monday, March 21, 2022

"You all live in at a crossroad of potential "realities"."

 "“Time Travelers United”

You all live in at a crossroad of potential "realities". 

What you see with your eyes is illusory. It a projection of photons that enter your cornea, and are processed through your retina, inverted and passed to your electrical neurons for interpretation. 

Then the signals travel to the rear of your brain where the information is stored in a few cubic centimetres of brain tissue. 

Your skull is totally dark, and it projects a probable “reality” based on its best guess of a potential “reality”. 

As you mature, your five senses make their best guess on what may be “out there”. 

If you accept that multiple dimensions are becoming acceptable scientific theory, you will understand that the past and future fold into the present, and you live all of your lives simultaneously.

Such superpowers such as “Instant Manifestation” and “Time Travel” entail response-ability to yourself and others. 

If you travel to the past or the future in order to change it, it would be a misuse of power, since nothing is ever written stone. 

Time Traveling is one of your innate gifts being to be accessed through empathy which is but one aspect of the awakened Self. 

Time travelers illuminate the future by offering blueprints for the immanent New Earth civilization. 

As you transcend your one tracked “individuality”, you are able to visit multiple dimensions simultaneously through keeping an all-round perspective. 

You will recover your psychic capabilities, such as instantaneous manifestation, and traveling by thought alone. 

You will be able to participate in past and future events by parting interdimensional veils. 

When you, a newly evolved version of “hue-manity”, merge in a similar spectrum of possibilities, your current dimension will begin to reflect your collective reality. Such a meeting of lifetimes allows your past and future to be lived in the present. 

You will begin to view the collective consciousness of “hue-manity” through your “mind’s eye”. 

Your roles in the play of consciousness will always be temporary. Since you will be here today, and gone tomorrow, you won’t have to deny or promote yourself because you will have no attachment to any particular outcome.

You won’t have to control your life but will find yourself naturally in the right place at the right time as you live in a “state of allowance”. 

Time is adaptable, and Space is malleable, so going with the flow is a key. 

We (12 + 1) time travelers won’t be drawn into making predictions or conjecturing about future events. Your social media is full of misguided pronouncements. The key to time traveling is to collapse your past and future into your present reality. 

By living in the present, without unconscious agendas, you become rooted in “innocent awareness”. 

The portal to the New Earth is already open and the entrance to the “party of all parties” is deep within you. 

If you marry the power of your mind and heart, you will rediscover your Self as an eternal time traveler.


(Alchemy of Love Group)

Elijah David

(Alchemy of the New Earth Group)"