Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Consciousness Calling. Feel this in your higher hearts.


FINAL Preparations. WE ARE GOOD TO GO!


May 22, 2022

Note: I wanted to share this message in a series of posts because of the length and magnitude of information but I believe it should be shared all at once. Please bear with me🙏

The flash is on its way in the program. An imminent arrival on earth.

The catalyst moment. We shall see the effects.

Consciousness calling.

Feel this in your higher hearts.

A series of rings.

Emanating from the earth outwards. 

These outward pulsating rings very much like we see transmitter rings coming out from

An aerial view that we might recognize as if we could see them as radio waves so very

Similar to that.

This expansion of consciousness and wave of greater awareness affect humanity.

The sleepy ones are awakening. IT IS TIME. 

The light weaving has begun. 

The codes are being illuminated. 

Integrated and merged. 

The portal activation are ready. 

The inter-dimensional points are Activated. 

Sacred geometries and the inner & outer earth are poised for connection.

Gaia have all these pyramids especially but other sacred places as well that would connect up

When we go into this higher consciousness. They would connect up the pyramids hidden

Above ground below ground under water and unknown in other sacred portal points or pinnacles.

 Sacred ancient and new monuments pillars and pyramids are on standby.

What do we do??

Don't panic. Let go of any fear. Get excited. 

It will all be perfect. Stay Grounded. Be hydrated. 

Follow your inner guidance.

It will be Magnificent.

We have been in preparations. Our bodies were being tempered. We have been in a program of ascension fitness. Our bodies being more and more in receipt of higher energies and frequencies that have enabled us to release things and and then to absorb these high frequencies and lights and Integrate. So we've got more and more accustomed to them. 

The sun has been increasing in its release of filaments and flares.  These are greater in power and in their quantity and in frequency as well as in the numbers that come each day. 

We have had these coming in over the last couple of years. These lights these crystalline lights. These different flavors of lights for a variety of reasons. 

They started off that we would have them a couple of times a year and then every month and it's built up now we're having them not just every day but we are having many each day and they are getting stronger and more powerful and so this is how gaia is preparing to our coming into ascension fitness. 

That's been the process like going to the gym every day and lifting the same weights for a few days and then an increase in weights and then an increase in repetition and then an increase in weights and then going to the gym you know twice a day and that's the kind of process that we've been going through that so this has been affecting our bodies to bring up release of all that doesn't serve us. That holds us in lower density. 

Preparing our ability to receive these higher crystalline codes so the collective can be prepared.

The other aspect of all of this is to know that we're always dealing with the micro in the macro what's going on in our bodies is what's going on in the planetary body and vice versa. Its a planetary ascension. 

We are in the process of returning to our original divine plan, blueprints and templates that belong and serve and support us in fifth dimensional life and living. 

We've had interference frequencies removed in and on our planet. We've gone through a series of

Clearings, cleansings, purging and releases. 

The inner earth was cleared first and now we Will prepare in clearing out the the outer earth so what happened??

We moved into that whole new timeline. 

Chronological time has collapsed. What happens is we get dissolution and changes that come in the etheric.  And so we might see them. 

Those of us who Have that facility, faculty and ability to see these things, we might see them in there and then they drop into the physical. 

That's the how manifestation and the dissolution works. We've been observing time, things moving away, collapsing, time glitches, lots of things.

We've been in that process, getting prepared. To return to our original fifth dimensional position in the galaxy as a planet

We will move further into the platonic light and will increase more, become intense, greater in its density.  

The planet will have a north northeast adjustment on the axis not a pole flip or shift. 

We'll feel it as a bit of a jolt and the sun will be the catalyst for that and then we will have sleep for integration. 

Refer to three days of darkness. Remember this is not a apocalyptic or dooms day event like we have been programmed or being channeled by many. 

This is all to dissolve fear matrix and it will be done with the greatest force. Love.  

Earth is on fire today but it's like this powering up of this generator because we are going to have energy that comes from within and without for assisting us from the sun. 

We've been going through combustion in our cells this heating up of cells. To change their form from carbon to crystalline. 

A lot of you and certainly i have been feeling that heat in our bodies. This transformation has all been part of this purification. Preparing our vessels to to hold more light.

Hydrate your body. Connect physically with your bare feet and if you can also put your belly on the earth that's a really quick way of grounding. 

This is divinely orchestrated. That the timing is an individual perfection. There are many beings here to assist and hold space for humanity. After this jolt you may each sleep for a varied period of time.

From a few hours to a few days, depending on your level of physical preparation and readiness and the amount of time required for your personal physical integration.

We are being seriously upgraded. 

This sleep will be deep therapeutic and healing. We may awaken at different times or we may have adjusted time experiences. You won't be in control of that. 

The more work you have done in your self-healing and your release and in your integration work the gentler it will be on your body. So the greater preparation, the greater fitness that you have done in your body, this ascension fitness. 

The more gentle it will be on your body.

Do not get core and hierarchical structure or being better than or in comparison or in judgment. What where and how has been determined by your soul. Your oversoul. Your higher self guidance. 

And it relates to both your work. So the work that you have done, the work that you are here to do and your chosen experience. There may be some age adjustments that may be made in our world

As we will be learning from younger geniuses. 

Be open to these higher lessons. Give up the need to be right and give up the need to know.  

There are practices and approaches that enable greater ability to live in the now.  Those principles assist us with that and to be working with faster manifestation because the increase in frequency, in the energies, the electron spin rate has increased.

Animals will be fine. Their transitions will be quick as they have little resistance. They are always grounded and they are in this constant flow of energies in and out. 

They don't suffer in the way that we put ourselves through because we live with all these rules and conditions that we've been indoctrinated with. 

That's been the process we've been through over the last couple of years in releasing a lot of those programs, indoctrination, conditions, ways of thinking, being, behaving.

Energy will be released from the sun. It will activate in and around the earth to power our movement.

I think we are good to go.

You are likely to hear a sound as sounding like a chiropractic crack of the spine. Likely to see a flash and likely you see a movement or feeling. A jolt felt at soul level. Everyone will feel it. Everyone will know something has happened. 

This is this is our physical ascension. Upgrade of our vessel. Our vehicle. Our merkaba. 

We will have a higher dimensional sun that's our nourishment and source. Less food will be required for our bodies. 

The schumann resonance and other scientific parameters are showing us and telling us what is happening to the sun and the direction of those things and so that's kind of that physical scientific evidence if you like. But for me personally these outer evidences are just to support our innerstanding of whats happening.

We have become much more sensitive and the adjusted to this crystalline light. We've got more knowing. More innerstanding.  We've had all of these physical upgrades through our bodies that we've felt through each of our chakra centers. In our brain. All the ascension symptoms. 

All of that we've felt and we we're in this knowing, we have this gnosis about it. And i think that it's backed up by all the scientific data coming out. We're justified to believe. Keep the faith.  Whether we get to that tipping point tomorrow well i hope so. I feel its really close. 

What i want to say about that is go within. Ask for clarity. That helps us to drop out of polarity to be into neutral, into the zero point. 

Every single soul planned us out what the experience was. What they wanted it to be like. When they Wanted to actually awaken. All of this is planned by us. In our soul, our soul groups. Embedded in our dna. 

We are good to go.

So let's trust that, enjoy the day. One day at a time. Get in preparation for it.

It's all divinely orchestrated. Assisted. And it will all be beautiful and amazing.

We would be where all of our systems and ways of operating would be. Exactly where and how we are supposed to be.

Much LOVE.

I AM Mazhar🙏