Saturday, June 11, 2022

"MASSIVE ASCENSION ENERGIES INCOMING. Are you feeling them already?"

"There are huge Ascesion energies layering in. 

These have been coming in for the last few hours and will continue over the weekend. 

These are not like our normal ascension energies, these are much bigger.

Filling you with those beautiful golden energies I've been speaking of for months. 

What's happening is these newly arriving high vibrational energies have the ability to mix with the Golden Energies that are already here. 

This is causing a much higher ascension energy that brings with it the ability to feel intoxicated with Bliss. 

First though they are bringing in a feeling of rest, of wanting to relax and just BE. 

As they continue to layer in you will begin to feel more of that high vibrational Bliss. 

Allow yourself to flow in the energies.

Please check in with yourself before driving or using any heavy machinery.

I know how that sounds, but these are intense energies. Even if you think you aren't feeling them, you are!!

Take time as these grow, tap into you, your guides, your knowing. 

Allow them to show you what these are bringing in. 

It's an amazing times Divine Ones, and it's all because of you awaking as you heard the call!!

As you know everything can and will change in the Flash, let's watch it come in together!!

Much love and light,

-SA Smith