Saturday, September 24, 2022

We are entering a period of instant manifestation.

 And right now it is critical that you keep your focus only where it needs to be. Don't worry about things too far in advance. Because you will in turn...bring it right to you. Instead of worrying so much. Take things as they come. 

Don't put yourself into a position where you will be greatly ignoring critical bills etc....but put less energy into constantly worrying about them because people will be in this instant manifestation mode and what you ask the universe for. 

It will be immediately brought to you. So, learn how to communicate with the universe and feed the 3d matrix lifestyle and problems the absolute least amount of energy to maintain sustainability.  If you constantly worry about bills every day. Guess what's going to keep landing in your lap?

Focus on your higher self....and take things as they come. Make small preparations and scheduling where needed to survive for the time being but back yourself out of constantly worrying about things you don't want to be in your life. Because now more than ever....they will be brought to you.

We are in the sorting of souls process. If you have been disconnected from family and friends. Even friends you have known your entire life...and have abruptly just had the relationship fall apart. This is a preparation for you and an indication that you and that person or people....will not be going to the same destination.  It's highly likely they either are going to go to 3d.....or they are not ascending and have a different destination.  This sorting of souls process will become a LOT more evident as the month plays out.

Remember. From this period on.....what you focus on. Will become. So if you have trouble with worrying about shit. Prepare yourself to get smacked across the face with whatever it is that you worry about.

Saying....ha!!! See...I told you it would not being precognitive.  You are literally manifesting it. Big difference.  

Same with all the conspiracy theorists. Same shit. They are gloating because a lot of them came true. Well.....that's because many focused on it....and it became. See how it works?

This is the chapter where you will be forced to learn how to use your energy appropriately. And if you don't....what you manifest will become very quickly In your face. So, anything 3d. ....let it go until it needs to be addressed.  And give it the least amount of energy possible so you are not adding to its potential.

Very soon none of this bullshit....this 3d life and everything in between will even matter. It will be gone. We are leaving it behind. So why focus on it now?

Deal with what you have too.....and let the rest fall by the wayside until it must be addressed.  Within reason of course. Don't put yourself out thinking you are going to ascend before your next rent payment lol.

Instead. manifest the rent being paid.....and handled....instead of worrying about the date or the bill arriving.

A great way to learn to manifest is saying this....

I am grateful for this particular thing being manifested for me. I trust that it is already in the works being brought to me or handled and I am thankful for it becoming.

Try it. Know it's already in the works. Know you already have it. Trust that it is being handled and addressed.

The rest....will fall into place

Love you all. Hope you had a stellar day.     NEPTUNE