The high powered heart and soul energies are strongly active for the rest of the year (and into the first 2-3 months of next year). But it all kicks off now.
The effects are potent and immediate.
Many of us now will feel dissatisfied with one or more major areas of our lives.
The soul has been activated and (with a huge stream of energies feeding it) begins transmitting Codes of Truth to us reminding us of our mission, message, or meaning we came to this world to complete.
Theses codes are being downloaded into our heart centre in this big initiation phase (though they will be too vague for mental understanding as yet).
The heart now is going through the process of integrating these energy DNA pulses into real time emotional information to aid creation of our own soul life for the rest of our lives. This early stage release is felt most noticeably in a sudden spike in feeling dissatisfied with elements of the life we have been, and are, leading.
The difference is that our old life (life 1 as such - the false one) has not been soul driven while new and future life (life 2 - the real designed one) certainly is.
There is a disparity and that is felt through dissatisfaction. So, if that's your current event, hold fire, don't act in haste, no knee jerk reactions. It's soul light energy lighting you up.
What you need isn't what's not right for you anymore, you need what is right and true, and is the answer, and that's on its way over the months ahead. Await clues to satisfaction.
John Sherry"