Friday, October 7, 2022

Who is the controller of the Meaning of Words?


Are there any words that matter now? Who is the controller of the Meaning of Words? As they change the dictionary at whim. It is all about strengthening your Trust in Self, in Spirit, in Divine Intuition and Knowing.  Words never had meaning, you always put the meaning to the words, based on what “you” were “taught”. The proverbial, they always made up definitions of “words”. 

Your “training”, “programs”, “triggers” and “traumas” put meaning to those words in your personal life. Words have Different Meaning for different people based on their own individual experience, inherited beliefs and triggers in our DNA, learned beliefs, triggers based on trauma, expectation based on past (programmed patterned) experiences of the word. A New experience can happen, a new cause an effect once you are in that neutrality of expectations and “feel” into each moment, knowing directions and actions based literally on the “feeling” in your body, your divine sacred temple. 

Repetition of Right, Creates New DNA and unlocks that in which is hidden in our DNA. The word “right” clearly has a different meaning to each individual. Preferences, Programs, Beliefs and so much more determine what the word “Right” means to you and for you. 

Repetition of the higher vibrating more joyful (joyfeel) abundant you, unlocks more of your DNA, another words your “powers”, as the more you master your Emotion, the more access you will have to your birthright DNA which most has been blocked to protect you and humanity. As you cannot use your creator God powers if you cannot control your emotions, if you have access to these powers, skills, tools before you master your emotion, you would instantly manifest based on uncontrolled emotions, that, I am sure you can imagine would wreak havoc on All the World. 

Tuning “into” Energy.  Tuning “out of” Energy. It is All a Matter of where you Place your Focus, your Thoughts, your Time, your Action.  

It All Comes down to YOU, the Divine Sovereign Individual. What do you Believe? And is that “Belief” really yours or was it given to you when you were born, was it learned, is it a program, is it a trigger based on a trauma or expectation?  What makes sense to you? What Do you Want?

“They” can distort reality all they want, it is up to you to choose to believe, to participate in that reality.  Choice of Participation come in the form of repetition of thought. This Literally Creates the Timeline that Manifests for, about, in connection, in alignment with the “You”, the “I Am” 

~ Reverend Crystal Cox, Goddess Church