Wednesday, November 2, 2022

As our Linear Time passes. . . WE will have Greater Control and. . . even if everything seems to BE Falling Apart Inside and Outside of us. . .


The Approach of Disclosure about our Galactic Families of LIGHT Presence has also caused some agitation BEhind the Scenes.

WE Are NOW Receiving Appropriate UPDATES in our DNA which may cause a certain Feeling of Fluctuation and Dizziness.

Of course. . . it Won’t BE long Before WE can get out of our Physical Bodies with GREATER Ease. . . as the Current Density is Starting to Subtilize.

WE will Feel less Gravity in our Physical Bodies. . . as well as Less Pressure in our Astral Bodies. . . Facilitating the “Decoupling” of Physicality.

Don’t be afraid when you suddenly find yourself floating above your body. . . Especially when you are at the BEginning of Sleep.

This will BE Common in the Coming Months and is yet another SIGN that the limitations of the lower dimensions are BE-ing Discontinued.

The Galactic Federation – who Make Up an Infinity of SOULS from across the Universe and Beyond – find them SELVES NOW in Positive Vibrations for the Earth and Leave their LOVE and BLESSING to us all.

BEcause Yes. . . WE Are ALL ONE!


Pars Kutay"