Monday, December 12, 2022


Dear friends, the solar winds have slowed down in the last 24 hours, giving way to the Gemini Full Moon light codes to arrive crisp and clear. 

The climax of this last full moon of the year will take place on the evening of Wednesday 7 into the early hours of Thursday 8. It will be accompanied in the sky by the brilliant planet Mars. This celestial closeness can bring some fiery and belligerent energy into play, so please try to stay cool as we navigate these energies. Remember that not everything in life is black or white, try not to take extreme sides this week. Gemini is the energy of duality, where both sides are looking for a piece of themselves in another. Just as in the yin and yang image, the yin always has a drop of yang, and vice versa. Gemini reminds us that every side has the potential to contain another opposing force. Feel how this notion can help you open your consciousness to inner conflicting perspectives. The Gemini full Moon is a reminder that the world is full of information and knowledge that we have yet to experience and integrate within us. This Full Moon offers us a great opportunity to open up to the new possibilities for our future timeline going into 2023.

When we open ourselves up to new energies, we can feel confused at first, and that’s okay. It’s better to be confused than to be too attached to our viewpoints. Leaving your comfort zone can feel scary, but growth won’t happen if we keep circling the same spot. We eventually want to integrate new knowledge within our energy fields so we can make necessary changes to manifest our visions. 

The light language transmission “Full Moon” is freely available for you in the 3D to 5D Activations Library. It’s a wonderful vibrational tool that can assist you to integrate the full moon light codes into your emotional and mental fields. This transmission will create a coherent field around you and assist you in the process of letting go of outdated points of view. You can use it in tandem with the “December Trinity Codes” activation.

Gemini’s energy seeks first to break through our attachments to perspectives, and then help us integrate new information to form expanded viewpoints. I hope this final Full Moon of 2022 will give you the extra push you need to jump into your soul’s intended timeline. All in Divine timing. 

The full moon light codes will be around us until the weekend, and then they will begin to merge with the amazing energies of the 12/12 portal, on Monday 12. We have a lot of wonderful energies and information coming our way, it is up to us now to take advantage of these amazing opportunities and move forward individually and collectively.

Have a great day, and as always, much love ❤️ 


Diego E. Berman 2022