Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The New Earth is about No God's worshiped and recognizing that YOU are God.

You are all Sovereign Co-Creators who NEED not worship anyone or anything.

Appreciation, Joy, Fun, Co-Creation - YES.
Worship NO. 

As you are the God that you think is something or someone else creating your life. Your SOURCE you, your Higher Self, versions of you in other Realities. It is all You.  Don't give your life force to Worship in any way be it your time, energy, money, prayer or anything else to a version of "God" that is outside of YOU. You are GOD.

Trust your Intuition, your Judgement, your Clarity, your Vision and Co-Create the world you want. Use your time, energy, money, resources, gifts, tools to co-create for YOU. Don't give your power over to those who claim to be creating for you and controlling your afterlife.



We are a NO God. ALL God. All Denomination. No Denomination Church / Sanctuary. We assist YOU to be in charge of YOU. We teach you to release old programming. And to Let Go of other people's version of YOU, of God, of every aspect of LIFE. You are the only ONE you Need. God is YOU. God is within. Every thought you have, action you take, word you speak CREATES.