Wednesday, May 10, 2017

You know If your Reality has Changed, your Timeline has Changed, your Bible has Changed. Trust YOU. You Know. You are YOUR AUTHORITY.

Remember when researching “the Mandela Effect” “Quantum Effect”, that there is NO TRUTH. There is only your perception, your Reality. What is True to you for you. Discern what you read. Check your own body feeling, emotion, intuition. Know Your Truth. Someone else cannot know your Truth. So many are scrambling to make sense of it all and to monetize information, share information, spread fear or spread information to calm fears. There is lot’s of good information out there.

How does it feel to you for you? Your thoughts, actions, words, emotions, responses create your Reality. They don’t know you, YOU know you. You get to make a choice in every single moment that chooses the reality you want to be in for YOU.

There are so many people talking about the Mandela Effect, Timeline Shifts, Quantum Effect, Parallel Realities, Bible Changes and more related topics. So many videos, sites, and more ways of sharing information. It all comes down to YOU. How does it feel to you. They are telling their woes, stories, information based on the reality they are in or came from. And yes it may be useful to you but not if it brings up fear, does not feel joyful or right to you. Not if it is all about them, who said it first and blah blah blah. That is lower frequency blather. Make sure you know you are choosing at all times. It is not of high vibration to argue over who created the “mandela effect” or terms therein. Quantum Reality has ALWAYS been. Our awareness and awakening has individual dimensions and levels to it based on our VERY personal choices, emotions, perceptions, words and actions. FOR US. About Us. By US. CHOICE.

In a different timeline, different people spoke of the “mandela effect” FIRST. So what. People who want to own things, and seize some sort of claim for the sole purpose of Ego, well that does not vibrate high to me.

Make sure that the main thing about the Mandela Effect, no matter what you call it, is that YOU are thinking, choosing, acting, feeling for YOU, by YOU. This is based in your personally reality, your perception. If it feels wrong, it most likely is. DISCERN.

This is a magnificent awakening. We are aware of multiple timelines. WOW. Magic. We are awakening in MASS. Don’t be tempted to play out 3D timelines with details of who first spoke of the Mandela Effect in this timeline of this second.

You are a Creator GOD. Choose. Discern. RISE.