Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Absolute of Sex

Who told you what Sex is?

Who defined arousal to you?

Who defined Sexual Satisfaction, Gratitude and Contentment to you or for you?

Is Erotica what arouses your senses or what someone told you should arouse you?

If you did not believe there was the end goal of an Orgasm, and that an Orgasm was defined by a certain body response of which you were told, then how would you know that is what the “Goal” of Sex is?

What if Sex, is about you, your personal desires, what you personally enjoy? What you enjoy may have elements of the “norm” program, however it is unique to you. What if you free yourself from what the preverbal “they” say Sex is or should be? And let your sexuality, your desire, your passion be sacred to you and truly, actually, honestly, REALLY about YOU. The real, honest to yourself YOU.

What if SEX had no label, no boundary, no rules, no endgame goals and simply was about what you liked to experience, to enjoy with another human being, and what feels wonderful, connected and arousing on all or any senses to YOU personally, individually?

What actions, touch, experience you personally feel good and glowing about are Sex to you personally? Are fulfilling to you on any level you actually want, with no prior definition, no programs, no mind games, no head games, but instead simply being honest about who you really are, what you really want, what you actually like and what really excites you, in full honesty.

What if an Orgasm to some really is a deep massage, a pat on the bum, a long cuddle session, a movie all snuggled up with each other, a make out session, an awesome candlelight dinner, a deep conversation? This contentment, this satisfaction feeling such as an Orgasm is a total body, mind, spirit, Orgasm to some and is simply another expression of Sex, of intimacy.

The “act” of sex, in which one stimulates another to what most know as an Orgasm is often quite primal, quite stimulating and fun on certain levels and can exist on an entirely different plane in your reality then the type of Orgasm that is mind, body, soul, lifestyle and all aspects of one’s life. They can both be pleasurable and unique to each person. The KEY is to remove all labels, all programs, all triggers and follow your excitement whatever that is, with no boundaries. Be it a walking hand in hand along a beautiful stream, a movie cuddle, a wonderful meal, a massage, or dominating lust, submissive longing, primal lust in whatever way lust, love, contentment, connection intimately is to YOU personally. Giving yourself the FREEDOM to be HONEST about what that is for you. And it may take different forms with different people and that is honest too.

Your Sexuality, your Desires are YOURS. These desires may change day to day, year to year or not, still they are yours. No matter what your idea of closeness, intimacy, sex is and no matter what your body, your heart, your mind says you like or want in your intimate connection that is yours and it is perfect, it is right, it is true and you need not justify, explain, or alter this sexual truth for anyone or any reason. Nor need you label yourself as sexual or non-sexual based on a programmed version of what intimate body sharing, sex, lust, love, passion is.

There is no set definition of Arousal. We are aroused by what arouses us, period. And that is ours, uniquely to us, individually and it can change day to day year to year. There is no “have to” be aroused by certain things. There is no labels that you have to conform to in order to “be in” “a relationship”. All there is, is being True to YOU.

There are no perversions, no ice queen cliches,no cold shoulders, no sluts, no prudes, no programs or labels of any kind. There is only your honest TRUTH about what honestly EXCITES you, for whatever reason on whatever level.

There is only you being true to you, live and let live, adult consent and allowing your sexuality to be exactly what it is that excites your senses, any of them, part or all. It is about what arouses YOU personally and not any program of past or what anyone or anything outside of you says sex or sexuality should or needs to be.

All of us have a way to be reached intimately, at every stage of our life and our desire. Time to REMOVE the Sex Program of our bloodlines, of the Patriarch and to let our sex drive, our desire, our lust, our passion take whatever form it takes, without judging self or being open to judgement of another or society as a whole.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox