Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dear I Love Hitting My Child Advocates who wish only for more discipline in the world.

As an adult child, of 46 now, who was spanked plenty, the ol' kindlin' stick for toys left out or dirty dishes or even going past a chair the wrong way. I have to say to you parents who love and value spanking and those who feel the world would be a better place if only there was more spanking that as an adult spanked I want you to know it is exactly the opposite of what you spout as truth.

I do not respect one person that spanked me. I do not respect one value they spanked me for and in fact the opposite. I left those who spanked me as soon as possible, at 16, never looked back, never liked them nor respected them nor anything they ever said to me.

The world is messed up in the ways described by the spanking advocates NOT because they did not get spanked, beaten, whipped by their parents but because they did.

So if you insist that spanking your sassin' child who is not behaving the way you think they should, try putting the THUG belt down and using intelligent words, take a walk, take a knee, talk to them so they understand the value, and if you beat them for that value or behavior they had, they will act like they respect you and do as you please around you, but that is FEAR not RESPECT.

They are not believing your way, or even learned anything. They only learn you personally don't like that action they like, they don't know why and they FEAR doing that action around you.  And can't wait to get away from YOU.

You put GUILT, Fear, and Shame into them and DO not make them a Better Person and spanking never EVER teaches respect it only teaches FEAR which you think is respect because they are silent or pretend to not want to do that action again.

FEAR is NOT Respect.

Ya I was SPANKED, and Ya FUCK you if you SPANKED me for being me and never explaining or reasoning to me what it was all about and helping me to think it through, but just spanking me.

Help me put the left out toy away, show me, play with me, walk with me, TALK, pray, think with me. If you hit me FUCK YOU, I hope you Die a Cruel Death and will get away from you as SOON as Possible. I know that doesn't sound loving but that is the way I felt then, NOW I give myself full permission to not have those people in my life nor to be around people with those kinds of beliefs and values.

STOP Hitting. Grow a Brain, Get some Compassion, Spend more time with them, teach them talk to them and if you have to behave in low vibration, low frequency VIOLENCE and Fear Based lessons, PLEASE stay out of my Life. I Choose to NOT have YOU in my LIFE and to Vibrate Higher.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox